clairscentience claircognizance ascension empath lightworker spiritualawakening starseed earthangel gratitude higherself highvibes indigochild indigoelder quantumphysics rainbowchild raiseyourvibration sacredgeometry selflove soultribe source thirdeye higherconsciousness clairaudient clairvoyant psychic clairaudience medium spirituality claircognizant notation
Ideas and inventions seem to happen by chance.
The people that have them have listened, taken note and acted on it!
You can change your life in a split second if you just listen to what you hear and the signs you see right in front of you. AND ACT. MOVE.
We are so busy we miss them.
What life changing moment have you missed today?
#holisticpsychologist #anxietyrecovery #lifeswork #lightworkers #healers #lifechanging #lifetransformation #hackthecrystalcodes #listen #clairaudience #clairscentience #clairvoyant #channeling #clarity #busylife #toobusytonotice #lifeanswers #lifehacks #mindset #crystalcodes #lifechanging #innerawareness #fibromyalgiasurvivor
The art of Divination through objects ~
#objects #human #energy #field #3d #touch #hands #senses #clairscentience
A couple of the things he wore the most and my GPS ~ #God #processing #system
His #shirt #mustang #cars #horses #tibetan #healing #bracelet #meditation #spiritualword #5d #realms #empaths #awake #pinealgland #newearth #mylifenow #miamor
I whispered your name in my heart today ~ A thousand time ~
#truelove #soulconnection #heart
#iloveyou #teamo #tequiero #jetaime #ichliebedich #seagapo #isbrealiomtu #tiamo #passion #red #flowers
When he would hold me and ask.. if I could feel his Love #yes #stillcan #twinflamechemistry #peaceful #easy #feeling #home #clairscentience #psychometry #healers #spirituality #energy #twoheartsthatbeatasone #ourlovestory #forever #miamor