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Valkyrie really only works well with control decks due to her slow movement speed on offense but tanky health. Her stats are strong & she synergizes perfectly with miner poison & hog mortar musketeer earthquake! Swipe right to see one of her top miner decks (you can sub inferno for Tesla if you want)
Been play testing mortar fisherman decks, this one I came up with has been working decently, excuse the lvl 10 fisherman
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Look at this crazy ass, Prince + Balloon at the bridge first play of the game?!? Been running into a lot of players like this lately. So many people use Golem, Lavahound or other heavy cards in the back for the very first play of the game. This style of play is a lot like gambling because it is completely dependent upon the randomized cards in the opponent’s starting hand. Fortunately I was able to defend it this time even with under-leveled cards on my mini account. Do you guys see shit like this too or am I just losing my mind?