cleanyourvessel masterka studentandteacher colonhealth animalsarenotfood holistichealth becomewhoyouare yoga eatfromtheearth meditation cleanse conciouseating foodforthought frutarian livingfood alkalinefoods awareness fasting freeyourmind healyourbody highvibrationalfoods weareone certified detoxretreats diseasefree emotionalindigestion emotionalwellness goodgasmondays eatfromtheearth
@krystaltomlinson - Digesting emotional pain is HARD WORK and not everyone is open to processing that pain and allowing it to pass. Do you know how to ease the discomfort or do you just wait until it boils over to puke all over others? Click the link in my bio to subscribe to my #GoodGasMondaysPodcast which is dedicated to emotional health and well-being. @myjamaicamountainpeak #EmotionalIndigestion #EmotionalWellness #CleanYourVessel #KrystalTomlinson #GoodGasMondays #Jamaica
He who eats less , lives longer #fact
#becomewhoyouare #cleanyourvessel #animalsarenotfood #eatfromtheearth #holistictherapy #colonhealth #fasting #intermittentfasting #parasitecleanse #healyourbody #livingfood #alkalinefoods #naturaldiet #naturalweightloss #loveyourself #science #iam #masterka #EL-KA #studentandteacher
Dear humans.
Don't get caught up in the web of the matrix.
The mind is powerful, other people's energy and reality can literally rub off onto you if you are not prepared. Learn to shield and move with soft light away AND through.
Protect your energies and truth, state of being and soul when going out into the world.
This avatar body is easily fooled but God is all knowing and is in YOU.
Wake-up humans, to the perfect utopia. Do the work and be free...
#alkaline #creator #godinme #nojudges #nwo #holographolovuniverse #raisevibration #divinelight #universealknowledge #knowself #cleanyourvessel #truth #growtoknow #nwo #learnthetruthabout #whoareyourrally #chakra #alignment
#secretenergy #aliensamoungus #vibrate #meditate #raisethatvibration #godislove #realityisharsh #reality #planet #earthwars #natureknowsall #createyourreality
@Regran_ed from @krystaltomlinson - Digesting emotional pain is HARD WORK and not everyone is open to processing that pain and allowing it to pass. Do you know how to ease the discomfort or do you just wait until it boils over to puke all over others? Click the link in my bio to subscribe to my #GoodGasMondaysPodcast which is dedicated to emotional health and well-being. @myjamaicamountainpeak #EmotionalIndigestion #EmotionalWellness #CleanYourVessel #KrystalTomlinson #GoodGasMondays #Jamaica - #regrann
Full Blast Vata-Pitta Bliss
Slow baked oven veggies with coconutty-water plus pear and dill.
#vata #pitta#ayurvedicshaman #ayurvedarecipes #ayurvedaforlife #vatabalancing #vatadosha #vatadoshafood #pittabalancing #pittadosha #dosha #cleanyourvessel #loveyourself #ayurveda #ayurvediccooking #ayurvedafood #ayurvedaeveryday #ayurvedalife #lovelife #soulfood #souljourney #shamanpot #shamanichealing #shamanicdiet #dieta #healyourself #sacredpractice #foodofthegoods #foodismedicine
Digesting emotional pain is HARD WORK and not everyone is open to processing that pain and allowing it to pass. Do you know how to ease the discomfort or do you just wait until it boils over to puke all over others? Click the link in my bio to subscribe to my #GoodGasMondaysPodcast which is dedicated to emotional health and well-being. #EmotionalIndigestion #EmotionalWellness #CleanYourVessel #KrystalTomlinson #GoodGasMondays #Jamaica