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Hey guys! So yesterday I posted a video of Dr. Portuese putting the cast on- here is the cast coming off 6 days later! We ❤️ our patients! We will post before and after photos in a few months when the swelling goes down.
Treatment: Rhinoplasty.
Cost: $8,493. ⏰Recovery: 10-14 days.
Location: Seattle, WA
Subtle Nasal shortening, hump reduction, and lifting of the tip...Scarless. .
100% of my surgical practice is Closed Scarless Rhinoplasty. Scarless is defined as no external cuts or scars. That’s the approach I take with every single one of my Rhinoplasty patients - Scarless Nose™️ rhinoplasty. Why inflict a scar in the middle of the face if it’s not necessary? Some patients require “Open” rhinoplasty where a cut is inflicted at the base of the nose - but this is usually unnecessary for MOST primary (never had surgery before) cosmetic rhinoplasty patients. I use ADVANCED techniques to achieve the subtle defined results for my patients who travel ✈️ across the world for their subtle transformations. The key is the HONEST consultation process which we promise for every patient...always.
Scarless Nose™: Deepak Raj Dugar, MD
Celebrity Rhinoplasty with no external cuts or scars ever Location: Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center Phone: 310.276.1703
Youtube: Deepak Dugar, MD Instagram: @DeepakDugarMD
Real Self: Deepak Dugar, MD
Yelp: Deepak Dugar, MD
Google: Deepak Dugar, MD Facebook: Deepak Dugar, MD
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I love this video! Her reaction is wonderful and we couldn’t be happier to see our patients so happy. This beautiful lady had multiple procedures with our office which is why she is swollen in multiple areas and bruised in multiple areas. We will post progress photos as the progress continues. Thank you for remaining courteous in your comments as these are real patients and their real journeys. ❤️
8.günde gerçekleşen bandaj çıkarma işlemiyle, hastamız yeni burnuyla ilk kez karşılaşıyor ☺
Post operative 8 day. Closed approach and piezzosurgery☺️
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