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Photo by: @lzctrl
I jumped into creating all the features this past weekend
Lots to do this week as I continue building this mini application that I plan to launch in 2-3 weeks! I built most of the main views, functions, and calls for images this weekend. Still quite a bit left to do but here is a spoiler: I may jump into an Instagram AUTH this week and try that out.
This app will allow users to sign in with their insta if i can get the AUTH to work and it will have a focus on user posts / photos. I’m still deciding if I should scrape insta and just grab photos or use instagrams API ♂ the main function focuses on user posts and pulling something out of images!
How does your week look like?
i actually like this edit so tag sam plz!!
@imsamhurley @imsamhurley @imsamhurley @imsamhurley -
#popularoverlays #backgrounds #ultralightcoloring #colorings #backgroundsforeditors #video #sound #videostarpresets #codes #imsamhurley #edits #loveyou #amazing #samhurley
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Photo by: @alinas.vew
Let’s talk about CSS animations!
You can do animations with pure CSS and without using JavaScript or similar.
All you need is:
the animation properties (➡control the behavior of the animation) and the @keyframes rules (➡controls what happens during the animation).
There are 8 animation properties:
1. animation-name
2. animation-duration
3. animation-fill-mode
4. animation-iteration-count
5. animation-direction
6. animation-delay
7. animation-play-state
8. animation-timing-function
Have a look at my Insta Story today to see the heart beating!
••• Alina (@alinas.view)
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Photo by: @tomkoszyk
I’m still trying to be more regular with Instagram, but as you can see it’s not that easy! A lot was going on recently, but fortunately I’m getting to the point where I can focus on my products again. I made some changes to my home office setup, and as you can see something new is coming :) Stay tuned!