colionnoir gunrange pewpew pewpewlife gunsdaily secondamendment guns gunsofinstagram responsiblegunowner shooting tactical ammo gunsafe gunsandsmmo gunshow shootingrange sigsauer sigsauerp320 sunsoutgunsout thepewpewlife lasvegas 2ndamendment bersa pewpewpew repost dailycaller
Sound familiar?
#gunownersofamerica #GOA #nra #colionnoir #danaloesch #2ndamendment #SaveThe2nd #protectthesecond #gunrights #constitution #stormiscoming #calmbeforethestorm #molonlabe #dayofreckoning #libertarian #takebackcontrol #stayincontrol #qanon #deepstate #tyranny #redpill #redpillnation #fuckcommunism #fucksocialism #fuckantifa #deterrentfactor #nraforlife #nocompromise #neverbackdown
This shits getting confusing now #dailygundose #jprifles #swarovskioptik #ar15 #3gun #3gunnation #tacticalminded #colionnoir #tarantactical #smithandwesson #apextactical #thinblueline #fiftyahadesoffde #gunsdaily #freedommunitions #benelliusa #nordiccomponents #shooterspecialites #dawsonprecision #theshootersmindset #cjw_cajunized_ #CZusafirearms #cz_custom #czusa #beardlyp #glock #guns #gun #pewpew #pewpewlife
Cleaning day with #originalgunoil. She's pretty as a picture now.
Click link in Bio and use code "gunsnwatches" at checkout to save 10%
#gunsnwatches #cleaningday #ruger #rugervaquero #45colt #2a #guncleaning #clp #revolver #singleaction #starlinebrass #sickguns #weaponsdaily #gunsdaily #sass #singleactionshootingsociety #steelwaiting #colionnoir #pocketwatch #walthampocketwatch #pewpew #vintage #oldschool #buckskin #deerhide #gunoil #usa #merica #guns
i first want to express that my heart goes out to all that have lost and/or been affected by gun violence...
imo, it's misguided to focus on gun laws over resources for mental health.
deductive review of mass shootings analysis shows that not a single existing or proposed gun law would have reduced or stopped the events.
laws don't reduce, impact or stop criminal intent agnostic to the person being law abiding or a criminal.
there are more than 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the US, or enough for every man, woman and child to own one and still have 67 million firearms left over.
no amount of gun laws can retroactively be applied and enforced to limit the current inventory of firearms. nor will future state gun laws reduce, impact or stop criminal intent.
remember, 80% of guns used in mass shootings are obtained LEGALLY.
to be explicit: guns are a tragic symptom, NOT the cause of our current state.
we are letting people down.
we are letting vets down.
let's galvanize and get acute on mental health.
let's create ways to detect and support those in mental crisis.
let's start there.
#dimitrisnowden #massshooting #gunviolence #nra #colionnoir #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #vets #glock #springfieldxd #guns #shooters #murica #america
The #2a was never about hunting.
Interesting podcast covering many #guncontrol topics.
#JRE podcast episode 1106 with @joerogan @colionnoir @jamievernon
#joerogan #joeroganpodcast #powerfuljre #thejoeroganexperience #joeroganexperience #powerfuljoerogan #youngjamie #ufc #2ndamendment #gunrights #banassaultweapons #NRA #throwthemout #neveragain #secondamendment #parkland #thepewpewlife #steelwaiting #theppl #nraisaterroristorganization #nrashow #colionnoir #surefire #gunfreaks #weaponfanatics #gunfanatics