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Comuna 13, Medellín
.: @sqadillacv
#colombia #colombiatravel #medellin #medellincolombia #medellín #medellintravel #comuna13 #comuna #graffiti #graffitiart #graffitiworld #southAmerica #travel #traveller #travelgram #travelgirl #visitcolombia #visitsouthamerica #wanderlust #vacation #colorful #sanjavier #notorious #dangerous #mostdangerous #mountains #cityview #antioquia
Day: 207 Country: Columbia Place: Medellin | In this picture you can see the new main street of the Comuna 13. Numerous artists decorated it with their grafity. There are little coffee shops, galleries and souvenir shops.
Today is Max's birthday, by the way. Yesterday we celebrated in neat. But today we both have a hangover.
Tag: 207 Land: Kolumbien Ort: Medellin | Auf diesem Bild sieht man gut die neue Hauptstraße der Comuna 13. Zahlreiche Künstler haben sich an ihr entlang verewigt. Es gibt kleine Galerien, Cafés und Souveniershops. ️
Heute ist übrigens Max Geburtstag. Gestern haben wir ordentlich hinein gefeiert. Heute haben wir allerdings beide eine Kater.
#comuna13 #comuna
#sanjavier #medellin #gallerywall #gallery #museum #artmuseum #artgallery #graffiti #grafityart #modernart #streetart #streetphotography #columbia #traveling #weltreiseblog #weltreise #weltreisen #weltreisen #weltreise2019 #reisen #reiseblogger #urbanart #goodday #traveler #travelblog
Halen dünyada pek çok çocuğun temizlik, eğitim gibi başlıca ihtiyaçları karşılanamıyor. Onlar büyüyünce de bu sorunlar şekilenip daha da büyüyor, dünyayı kurtarmak, bilinçli bir nesil yetiştirmemiz için tek çözüm onlar. Dünyaya yön verecek, onu daha güzel hale getirecek nice çocuklar yetiştirmemiz dileğiyle, 23 Nisan bayramımız kutlu olsun. #23Nisan #Colombia #Comuna #Medellin
Felliz día de Acción de Gracias Hoy tengo mucho que agradecer. Muchas bendiciones en mi vida, incluyendo este momento mágico con mi hermana.
Today is a day to show gratitude for everyone & everything in your life. But the reality is everyday of 2018 I woke up giving thanks & praise for my beautiful family, my health, my freedom, my business, my failures, my mistakes, my senses and so much more. I know for a fact this moment was made possible because I gave (and give) thanks everyday. Carry gratitude in your heart and anything you can dream of can and will be yours. I love you @alsmellzmicrobez #corazondemivida
Happy Thanksgiving Mom Dad and Kamille wishing you were here. To the rest of my rest of my family and friends love you all so much and miss you, enjoy the day with your families.