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Opinion: Clemson and Alabama dominance has made college football more boring and is one of the reasons people want a different system.
Tell me what you think should or should have happened
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#ncaa #ncaagameday #ncaafootball
A noite de ontem foi mágica, com os Aerosparx a iluminar os céus de Ponte de Sor! Hoje há mais, no último dia de Portugal Air Summit vai poder contar com as chicanes e finais do ARC, com Castor Fantoba e os AeroSPARX e o F16, entre muitas outras demos. Até já! #airplane #airrace #airshow #avgeek #conferences #drones #pontedesor #portugalairsummit
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Φίλοι μου; Η εβδομάδα ξεκίνησε με τις καλύτερες προοπτικές! Πολλές & σημαντικές οι ευκαιρίες των Αριθμών Ενημερωθήκατε ή ...ακόμα;!
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