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Romantic date in the vine vault in the French style with the degustation of 5 variants of wine, performance of two loving mimes together with Venetian envoy under the accompaniment of live violin. This is the best way for marriage proposal, asking for forgiveness or creating the most awesome moment in life which will become the best memory of you and your beloved. Our partner and the main project mover @amaliyakh_77. Videograph: @artyom.arkhangelsky Photograph: @studio_ligas_photo_video Restaurant: @silk96wine Our subsidiary project @st.awe
#nonITstartupmaker #presentemotions #alexanderawe #romanticdate #vinevault #surpriseher #surprisebeloved #surprisegirlfriend #marriageproposal #confessinlove #love #romance
Bouquet with Kinders, inside of each Kinder there is a message with compliments for your beloved. Having opened the Kinders and read the messages inside each of them your girlfriend will love you even more, what will make your relationships even more stronger, warmer and more passionate as such kind of surprises are hardly ever presented in our daily life! Furthermore, in one of the Kinders we can hide the rind and in this case this gift will be a perfect variant to make a marriage proposal.
#nonITstartupmaker #createwithawe #alexanderawe #bouquet #creativebouquet #surpriseher #surprisegirlfriend #confessinlove #marriageproposal
Life is full of amazing moments and sometimes we able to create such moments ourselves, so that it would be even brighter and more #memorable. The perfect variant for doing that can be the #romantic #date on the roof which you can organize for your beloved. And we will be glad to help you with everything.
#nonITstartupmaker #presentemotions #alexanderawe #surpriseher #surprisegirlfriend #romance #love #startup #confessinlove #marriageproposal
I often think about what makes the couple be ideal – when the partners look alike and equal as two water drops or when absolutely different people with unlike characters mutually fulfill each other. I suppose that opinions regarding this issue will divide. And for those who found themselves in their loving partners we have created the gift “Mirror with concept” on which the girlfriend’s portrait is engraved so that in the reflection of this mirror a guy will see himself through the silhouette of his beloved. As sometimes to meet someone in whom you may see yourself it is a miracle, indeed. And for the followers of the theory of character’s contrasts we have created the Yin Yang wallet about which you have most probably already heard.
#nonITstartupmaker #createwithawe #alexanderawe #creativegift #surprisegirlfriend #surpriseboyfriend #amazinggift #romanticgift #mirror #confessinlove #marriageproposal #startup
Japanese Garden is one of the most #romantic places in our city, especially in the #fall. But just imagine how your #beloved will be surprised if she finds out that the entire garden is just for you two. But that's not all, Japanese girl Meiko will organize the tour for you all over the garden and will guide you two to the romantic table with various delicious dishes. Coming to the end of the date you will become the witnesses of the theatrical #performance of the Japanese sage which will share with his wisdom with you and tell the #Japanese legend about the eternal love hiding in the #heart of the real #Samurai.
#nonITstartupmaker #presentemotions #alexanderawe #surprisegirlfriend #surprisebeloved #marriageproposal #confessinlove #love #romanticdate #date #surpriseher #startup #startupidea #dateidea
From the moment we decided to enter the European markets, I was faced with the difficulty of globalization on the question of language concepts in our gifts. Many gifts that are elegant sound in Russian lose their emotional component in the translation into English, because like it or not, but Russian language – is the language of a great soul, where you can use a lot of different turns of phrases and metaphors. So I decided to come up with gifts for the English language. And this revealed the obvious advantages and opportunities. In English, the deep concept can be expressed very briefly and concisely, which allows us to make the gift more appealing and memorable. This is the first work in English - a magnet flying in the air, which flies only when it is close to his beloved. As you probably already realized magnet represents a young man. And when you move it even an inch away from his beloved, so it falls down and dies. And that's exactly what each of us feels at a time when feelings are overwhelming. So ... With you I can fly, without you I 'will die!
#nonITstartupmaker #createwithawe #alexanderawe #confessinlove #marriageproposal #feelings #deepfeelings #fly #levitation