congaroom hollywood laculturathursdays elevatelounge playhousehollywood discotecadtla dtla congaroomfridays ibizanightclub latinos vesoslosangeles xalosnightclub discotecafridays hydesunset ibizanightclubla latinas maleacon playhousenightclub ohmnightclub losangeles mega963 playhousehw vesosla 935kday burbank csun downtownla elac kingdomxent kxsquad csun
Although I have no idea how to dance , I had an amazing time last night with my man @hache503 at @congaroom . It’s funny to see on their post how many people judge me for dancing like this but I was just enjoying my night, letting loose with the man of my dreams, and having fun! Let’s judge less and just enjoy life without caring what others think. Also check that nasty bruise on my leg hahaha #congaroom #saturdaynight #salsadancing #liveyourlife #letloose #nojudgement #happy #dirtydancing #girlswholift #nightlife