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I'm assuming you're like me...
You've had an obstacle that just killed your momentum.
And it's rough trying to get back at it when that happens.
This is my buddy @kino_theo , and he is a beast! (You should go check him out!)
This dude had an ACL injury that totally killed his momentum.
But it didn't matter, he never lost that drive.
As soon as he was able, he was back at it.
There is nothing that can stop you when you are truly driven and persistant in your pursuits.
We tend to let obstacles deter us from our goals, and we try to rationalize it to ourselves after the fact.
I've totally been there, you get an injury, you take some time off to heal, but then you get out of the habit and all of the sudden it's 2 months later, you're better, but you've let your discipline slip.
Not anymore!
Do me a favor,
When you run into a wall, don't let it stop you from heading down your path.
Take some time to think about how to get around it, and when you do, start pushing ahead again.
Be Strong, Carry On, and Live #alifemotivated !
I bet you do what I used to do...
You have a new habit or goal that you got pretty motivated about, and then...
After a few weeks, you say, "eh, I'll just skip it today," which turns into 2 days, then a week, and then...
You get the point. And we're gonna fix that...
I've been asked by several people to share how my habit tracking journal works, so I thought I'd do a little rundown, maybe it can help you to.
Side note: this is a customized version I made for #75hard but you can adapt it however you want.
1st: You need a SMART goal, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.
2nd: Write down the goal and all of the metrics you will use to determine success in the form of a pledge or contract that you will sign.
3rd: Set up your timeline, what day will be your finish point? Divide that into equal periods. If your goal will take 3 months, that is your long term, each month would have it's own goals that would ensure success at 3 months, each week has it's own goals to achieve your monthly goals, and each day has key tasks to achieve your weekly goals.
(Here it's just habits I have to do every day so it's not necessary for my goal)
4th: the monthly habit tracker (or calendar) will help you see your progress over the long term and where you're slacking, I have a legend key and set up a grid for each day to check the box for the tasks I've completed.
Lastly: A daily journal to keep track of which tasks I've done that day, and a daily habit grid to the right, just tick the box when you've done that task, I set up a legend key in the beginning, but once you remember what the letters mean you dont really need it anymore.
Also next to the day of the week, I have a counter box (for me it's counting up to 75 days, but for you it may count down to your project completion date).
This is just a quick rundown and if you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll try my best to explain further.
There is literally a book written on the subject that i highly recommend, it's called "Atomic Habits" by @james_clear and it has changed my life.
Be Strong, Carry On, and Live #alifemotivated !
This is a bit of a surreal post for me.
(The picture on the left)
In September 2017 I took part in @ultra_mma so I could get 8 weeks of free training and compete in a mixed martial arts contest to raise money for cancer research UK. .
(The picture on the right)
Last night I returned to the scene of the crime, this time as coaching staff. It has always been a dream of mine to be an MMA coach and now that dream has been given life. .
Thank you @newwaveacademymma and @ultra_mma for making my dream a reality!
#mma #boxing #kickboxing #taekwondo #karate #muaythai #k1 #wrestling #judo #sambo #brazillianjiujitsu #bjj #newwaveacademy #nwa #nwatc #nwamma #nwabjj #striking #grappling #conqueryourinnerbitch #onepercentbettereveryday #hardestworkerintheroom #ultramma #coach #mmacoach
Throw back to an old clip of probably one of the scariest kong precision / cat pass precision that i have done.. Achieving this was a testament of consistent training and the process of mental preparation over about 2 years. When I first started parkour I saw @maxhenryparkour do this and it absolutely blew my mind and honestly thought that I would never achieve this. Over the following years I would visit this spot and analise the dynamic of the movement that i wanted to perform, but never felt ready, i was unable to visualize myself achieving it. I began training the specific movement on ground level and aimed to assimilate the height and distance by placing obstacles or finding less scary spaces which had a similar feel to it in order to slowly progress and build confidence, on this day, all of the little incremental steps towards this goal paid off.
You don’t really conquer a mountain, you conquer yourself-Your Sickness, Your Pain, Your Fears to reach the summit!
-Deoban Trek, 3000 m above sea level ( February 10, 2019)
I have never been so emotional while posting an Instagram post, but this one meant a lot to me. Last night, at the base camp, I had thoughts of quitting the hiking part to the Deoban Summit because I was really sick. (Don’t know if it was because of the hectic travel schedule, altitude sickness, or most probably the sudden change in weather conditions, from Bangalore’s sweet and comforting 25 degrees Celsius to Deoban’s harsh and extreme-2 degree Celsius) .
Bottom line? I am glad I did it :) .
#deoban #summit #trekking #mountaineering #adventure #vacation #uttarakhand #chakrata #travelphotography #travelblogger #travel #hiking #conqueryourinnerbitch #3000meters #mountaintops #indiahikes #snowtrek #challenges #willpower #sicknesssucks