controlledarticularrotations mobility controlyourself functionalrangeconditioning cars frcms functionalrangesystems kinstretch jointhealth everydamnday fitness movement strength controlyourselfevenmore doanything hipmobility mobilitytraining stretch health yoga conditioning fitfam move nutrition rehab shouldermobility exercise fitspo everydamnday
Just a little insight into how we warm up shoulders at MOD using FRC and @kinstretch principles
Demonstrated above: - Standing shoulder CARs and axial rotations - Scapular CARs - Kneeling shoulder axial rotations and scapular CARs - Prone swimmer hovers -
#frc #functionalrangeconditioning #kinstretch #shoulders #warmup #cars #controlledarticularrotations #movement #movebetter #controlyourself #shouldermobility #movementculture
Who else needs to focus on hip mobility? The hip joint is meant to move in all directions, but how much of that rotation can I actually control with my own strength?
It’s easy to give in to momentum or gravity (especially in poses or exercises that require deep hip flexion or rotation—think squat, pigeon, hand to big toe variations) so taking time to train the available active range is important. I find that training the range I can completely control is the way to expand it gradually and sustainably, rather than trying to “open my hips” by doing deep poses like we so often hear in yoga.
Holding the block helps me keep the center line, and you could use a wall instead for more help with balance. Go sloooowwwww and try to limit the movement of the pelvis and spine—you might be humbled by the size of the circle you can make so remember it’s not about that! More mobility isn’t always better, we just want to build as much support as possible in the movements each individual body can make.
#hipmobility #kinstretch #yoga #hipstretch #functionaltraining #functionalrangeconditioning #hipopener #squats #yogapractice #mindfulness #controlledarticularrotations #cars #mobility #functionalrangeconditioning #bodyawareness #rangeofmotion
End range rotational control of the glenohumeral joint .
#frc #functionalrangeconditioning #kinstretch #functionalrangesystems #controlyourself #doanything #frcms #flexibility #mobility #prehab #movement #controlledarticularrotations #cars #stretchingmovement #humbling
FRCms, FRAs & Kinstretch Instructor @joegambinodpt
Hip Internal Rotation Passive Range Holds
In this drill we are using the @stickmobility sticks to lift our rear leg passively into internal rotation.
I like the stick because I find it easier then using my hands and allows me to maintain my trunk position easier.
The goal here is to irradiate hard trying to “lift” your leg off the stick. Once the tension is created, remove the stick and try not to let the foot drop. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
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#ControlledArticularRotations ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To become certified or to find a FRCms in your area, please visit our official website (link in Bio) in the "Find/Become a Provider" area.
#kinstretch #stickmobility #controlyourself #doanything #joetalkships #mobility #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #physicaltherapist #perfectstridept #physicaltherapystudent #DPTstudent #clinicalathlete @clinicalathlete #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessaddict #fitnessgoals #fitnesslife #nycfit #nycfitness #astoriafitness #astoria #queens #nyc
Get those hips and ankles feeling good! 2x normal speed.
Here are my goals and my thought process for this:
♂️ I want to improve my greatest hip mobility challenges: extension, and abducted internal rotation.
♂️ I want my ankles to function well, and be able to function at my hip end ranges.
How can I efficiently work toward both of those goals?
Pause at hip extension/hip abducted IR and do ankle CARs from that position.
This forces me to control my hip end-ranges for longer and makes me create more tension so I can focus on ankle CARs.
This also allows my body practice with exploring ankle rotation while at my end ranges of hip mobility.
This is about the process more than the exercise.
Spend more time exploring movement and control at your priority areas.
Do lots of CARs at different intensities, tempos, and orientations.
Be creative! How can you accomplish multiple things, while still being effective and focused?
Do what works and feels good for YOU. And realize that multi-tasking isn’t always your best option
#smilestakeyoumiles #kinstretch #mobility #hipmobility
FRS Master Instructor @hunterfitness
Doing mediocre things with epic music kinda makes them feel a little less mediocre.
I always joke around with my KINSTRETCH students that we can’t make KINSTRETCH pretty. There will never be a “faces of KINSTRETCH” on a banner in your local Lululemon.
You know which ones I’m talking about- the yoga girl smiling in her perfect asana.
Too bad everyone doing KINSTRETCH looks like they’re being tortured or about to poop their pants.
Anyways- I actually *like* how we don’t have to try and make a flow-y class.
Nothing wrong with flows. I just think it gets competitive to make them pretty and aesthetic.
Nothing is competitive in my KINSTRETCH class.
Everyone’s just working on themselves to #makeshitworknice (quote by Dr. Spina)
But- at the end of my personal practice- I occasionally like to just piece some isoMP’s together to make what appears to be a little flow. Not for the purpose of flowing. But just to check in and make sure shit is working nice.
Work on the parts. Then the sum of the parts will work nice.
The goal is to not get better at KINSTRETCH. The goal is to use KINSTRETCH as a tool so you can get better at whatever you want to get better at.
Sports. Flows. Lifting weights without pain. Picking up your kids. Whatever your activity is. KINSTRETCH is for you.
To find a Kinstretch Class in your area, please visit our official website (link in bio) in the "Find a Provider' area.
To become certified, please visit our official website in the "Become a Provider" area.
FRCms, FRAs & Kinstretch Instructor @beardthebestyoucanbe
CARs (sped up x4)
Controlled Articular Rotations
One of the key elements in restoring, and maintaining, our joints ability
Don’t be fooled though, this is hard work, and there’s a lot more to this than meets the eye. Just simply doing these movements is not good enough. The intent and effort behind these movements is where the magic happens
These are the type of practices we need people. This is a big *piece* of what the fitness industry is missing. The conscious focus and effort on our internal environment
Our joints are made to move and rotate. If your joints don’t rotate consistently in your life, or have the capacity to handle the movements you demand, dysfunction arises
The human species was given all the functionality and mobility as kids. With how this society has evolved, the majority of us have gone long periods of time without utilizing those types of abilities, and in return your body has now adapted to this new way of life and has stripped us away from that functionality
Like I’ve spoken about before - we’re incredibly adaptable creatures, for better or for worse. How we evolve is up to us
This is why something like CARs is so absolutely critical. We now must undo the damage we have done, and CARs is a big *piece* of that puzzle. For those who don’t have to undo, you better maintain
Though, there is many layers to understand when it comes to doing this type of training at high levels. Far too in-depth for me to explain in this one post. If you’re hungry to find out more, find practitioners who know their shit. I’ll gladly point you in their direction
To become certified or to find a FRCms in your area, please visit our official website (link in Bio) in the "Find/Become a Provider" area.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#functionalrangesystems #frcms
#controlyourself #mobility #calisthenics #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict
Placing an Emphasis on Training Movement ft @rascofitness
As we have evolved into this modern way of life we have lost something vital to our ability to function as humans. That something is simply the ability to move.
The ability to access a variety of position options, control those options, and produce force within those options is what allows our body to best adapt and thrive
@functionalrangeconditioning @hunterfitness @dianasullivanpham @spogue86 @onnitacademy #stealingrasco #controlyourself #adapt #mobility #resilience #train #physiotherapy #rascofitness #doctormariel #sweatcollective #movementculture #controlledarticularrotations
FR Practitioner, FRCms, FRAs @drlocrao
This is Why
The black circles represent the passive range available to any given joint in your body, now and later.
❌ The red circle represents how much of a given joint’s passive range is explored and expressed actively on a regular basis by the general public.
✅ The green circle represents that joint being fully explored and expressed actively every day during the FRC-inspired morning CARs routine.
@functionalrangeconditioning ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀