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Magic Vs Physical Attack, who win
High Wizard @moseslimardo
Taekwon Master Me
Photo by @idphotogallery
Editing by @samantha_fia .
#ragnarok #ragnarokonline #ragnarokcosplay #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #highwizardcosplay #taekwonmastercosplay #taekwonboycosplay #ragnarokonlinecosplay #cosplayRO #cosplayer #cosplayboy #magic #flyingkick #jumpingkick
Taekwon Master juga manusia..
Photo by @idphotogallery .
#ragnarok #ragnarokonline #ragnarokcosplay #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #taekwonmastercosplay #taekwonboycosplay #ragnarokonlinecosplay #cosplayRO #cosplayer #ngaso #nyantai #flyingkick #jumpingkick #daybreak #weekendbreak #weekend #break #lazyweekend
--- Sunday Ragnarok Meme Comic ---
Me : its weekend, take a break would cha' ?
Sherly : No, sunday is God's day , need to go to church & read bible.
Me : fine, what r u readin?
Sherly : im reading bout this , as a Good Christian we shall not drink too much especially gettin drunk..#thenshetrytolookatme
Me : #runLikeAWind..
Taekwon Master Me
Arch Bishop @sherlylukman91.
Make Up Artist (for sherly) @sedayu_wu.
@idphotogallery .
#ragnarok #ragnarokonline #ragnarokcosplay #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #taekwonmastercosplay #taekwonboycosplay #ragnarokonlinecosplay #cosplayRO #cosplayer #ngaso #nyantai #flyingkick #jumpingkick #daybreak #weekendbreak #weekend #break #lazyweekend #archbishop #archbishopcosplay
#highpriestess #highpriestcosplay #priestcosplay #asiangirl #asiangirls #asiangirlscosplayers
#Sidekick a.k.a #yeopchagi .
@idphotogallery .
#ragnarok #ragnarokonline #ragnarokcosplay #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #taekwonmastercosplay #taekwonboycosplay #ragnarokonlinecosplay #cosplayRO #cosplayer #yeopchagi #yapchagi #yopchagi #sidekick #taekwondo #taekwondoITF #iitf #IndonesiaITF #IndonesiaInternationalTaekwonDoFederation #blackbelt
--- Sunday Ragnarok Meme Comic Part 2---
Sherly : So, u're back..
Me : yeah , need to protect u , #gulp
Sherly : #LookingAtMe , Stop drinking! U'll get drunk u know!
Me : Nahh, won't...its #holywater , lol !!
Taekwon Master Me
Arch Bishop @sherlylukman91.
Make Up Artist (for sherly) @sedayu_wu.
@idphotogallery .
#ragnarok #ragnarokonline #ragnarokcosplay #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #taekwonmastercosplay #taekwonboycosplay #ragnarokonlinecosplay #cosplayRO #cosplayer #ngaso #nyantai #flyingkick #jumpingkick #daybreak #weekendbreak #weekend #break #lazyweekend #archbishop #archbishopcosplay
#highpriestess #highpriestcosplay #priestcosplay #asiangirl #asiangirls #asiangirlscosplayers