crackers snacks foodie tasty love artisan comfortfood flavor spicy wine winetasting artisancrackers bundtsonmelrose chili flavoredcrackers gourmetcrackers itscoldoutside luxury potd samples satisfying savory smokincrackers soup spicycrackers stew willmore wines cheese barderoscrew 2019travelswithyou
RECIPE: [partner] Cheese’s best friend is definitely the cracker. Meet the cracker that is making friendship bracelets all over the world with it’s everything & more seasoning. But it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Made with real Canadian extra old cheddar from @armstrongcheese, these crackers will be the talk of your next charcuterie board. Recipe collaboration with @getjoyfull. .
#ad #armstrongcheese #getjoyfull #mushroomsandthyme #strongcheese #startwithfresh#cheese #cheeselife #canadiancheese #canadianfood #homemadecrackers #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #everythingbagelseasoning #crackers #ohcanada #foodfluffer #beautifulfood #edmontonphotographer #yeg #fbcigers #realbread #hocsupperclub #f52grams #foodblogfeed #food4thought #eeeeeats #yegfoodie #inspiremyinstagram
Le avete mai provate⁉️
Intanto , come promesso, vi lascio la ricetta ...
Avevo una voglia irrefrenabile di un qualcosa di croccante .... di diverso dal solito food che mangio.... da servire in tavola per i miei pranzetti... semplice buono ma allo stesso leggero.... Risultato eccellente .... buoni da morire... facili e veloci da realizzare... gustosi da mangiare uno dopo l’ prestano ad essere serviti anche con della Cremina yogurt... Se anche voi state alla ricerca di qualcosa di poco calorico e senza grassi non perdetevi questa ricetta #crackers #cracker #ricetta #ricettalight #senzaglutine #glutenfreerecipes #dietasenzaglutine #recipes #fitrecipe #cibosano #ciboitaliano #dietasana #nutrizionista #mangiaresano #healtyfood #eatcleanfood #farinadiriso #semidichia #piattiitaliani #piattilight #fitness #fitrecipe #yogurt #gr3foodlover #unitiperlacucina #foodıgallery #dimagriremangiando #lemiephoto15mayl4
Instagram es eso, una RED SOCIAL ❤️
Queréis que haga esa receta en casa y os la enseñe
Ayer pasé una tarde maravillosa rodeada de gente bonica!
Este perfil me ha dado cosas muy guays, pero sobre todo personas, he conocido a muchas personas que a día de hoy son AMIGAS
Qué es lo que más os gusta de Instagram? .
Ayer hicimos recetas, hablamos, aprendimos y comimos (muy importante )
Yo hice estos crackers de semillas que me fliparon!
Quién quiere que haga alguna de las recetas que aprendimos ayer en el restaurante de mi bonica @lasmariacocinillas @barracamurcia I .
Gracias a @beesocialteam por la organización ❤️
Fotos del majísimo: @adrianfpagan
#cocinasaludable #cocina #recetassanas #recetassaludables #vidasana #healthyfood #crackers #recetasfitness #recet
We have found the most delicious #snacks that are perfect for the whole family to enjoy! We are loving the new #naturalcrackerco healthy crackers.There are 4 flavours to choose from.. Today we are enjoying the salt and vinegar and sour cream and chives! They are baked using 100% natural ingredients paired with the finest natural seasonings, to make great tasting crispy crackers! These #crackers pass the parent test.. which makes them perfect to enjoy as a family #naturalcrackers #ad #spoonfulofsisters
I always look for snacks that are better for me. Imagine my excitement when I found out that there is a new kid on the block - The Natural Cracker Co. and their delicious baked and 100% natural ingredients crackers.
These high quality crackers come in 4 flavours and contain ZERO nasties!
I got myself a box of Honey Soy Chicken and Sea Salt & Vinegar but I can’t wait to try Farmhouse Cheddar or Sour Cream & Chives next.
If you’re looking for healthier munching options - The Natural Cracker Co. is the one to try! #snacks #naturalcrackerco #naturalcrackers #crackers #ad
It’s a cracker-topper party and you’re all invited!
Sweet or savoury - which one is your favourite?!
• Guac + garden tomatoes .
• Beet hummus + cukes .
• Roasted red pepper hummus + radish .
• Sweet coconut yogurt + berries .
• Cilantro hummus + veggies .
I made this spread of @ryvitacanada topped crackers for friends who came over last week to kickoff spring and summer in our backyard! ☀️. These protein red quinoa and sesame rye crackers are amazing cuz they’re so versatile to dress up with whatever toppings you like! Pick your fave and let me know in the comments below!
#Ryvita #RyvitaCanada #Partner #InspiredbyNick
Dzień dobry robaczki. Jakie plany na długi weekend? Ja dzisiaj jestem ostatni dzień w pracy, a potem całe 9 dni wolnego
Miało być wycieczkowo, ale prognozy nie najlepsze. Wygląda na to, że będziemy się dostosowywać do pogody i planować na bieżąco
A poniżej pomysł na coś pysznego i bardzo prostego
Tym razem nie trzeba przepisu, bo na zdjęciu wszystko widać, ale podrzucam jako pomysł na przekąskę na imprezie lub po prostu na śniadanie
Z podanych poniżej składników wychodzą 23 porcje (tyle co na jednym talerzu), a w każdej mamy:
Wartość energetyczna: 30 kcal Białko: 1,6 g Węglowodany: 3 g Tłuszcze: 1,3 g
100 g krakersów solonych
130 g pomidorków koktajlowych
125 g mozzarelli
listki bazylii i bazylia suszona
1. Krakersy posypujemy bazylią suszoną
2. Na to układamy połówki pomidorów i kawałki mozzarelli
3. Przybieramy świeżymi listkami bazylii
#crackers #cherrytomatoes #mozzarella #basil #breakfast #goodmorning #cleaneating #gettingfit #fitgirl #thermomix #thermomixpoland #thermomixtm5 #tm5 #hungry #foodpics #eatingshow #eatguide #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotoshoot #foodstylist #thermomixpolska #krakersy #pomidorykoktajlowe #sermozzarella #bazylia #śniadanie #czystamicha #wiemcojem #jemzdrowo
Youpi c’est vendredi! Quoi de prévu ce week-end? Chez nous, on enchaîne deux anniversaires! Du coup, on va rester softs ce soir histoire de garder de la place (pas comme vendredi dernier ). La recette de mon houmous de carottes est dans ma storie permanente « recette » et celle des crackers vous attend sur le blog de @c.lairdutemps ☺️ Belle soirée!
#houmous #houmousaddict #crackers #faitmaison #zerodechet #veganfood #buddhabowl #eatmoreplants #balancedlife
Eu sei que a farinha de amendoas não é nada barata, mas em alguns casos vale muito a pena e faz diferença.
É o caso desse biscoitinho
Essa receita rende 20 unidades, bom pra fazer e deixar pronto.
Serve na marmita, lanche das crianças ou com aquele cafezinho da tarde.
Biscoitinho low carb de queijo
1 ovo
10 CS farinha de amêndoas
4 CS queijo parmesão
1 CS bem cheia de azeite
Em uma vasilha, misturar tudo.
Fazer bolinhas ( usei a colher de café como referência de quantidade)
Colocar em um tabuleiro untado ou tapete de silicone e amassar com um garfo.
Levar ao forno pre aquecido por 200°. C por 20-25 minutos dependendo do seu forno.
Retire do forno e deixe esfriar.
Eu usei aquela grade pra ficar mais sequinho, mas acho que no tabuleiro tb deve funcionar.
Fica uma delicia e rapidinho de fazer.
Amiga que é amiga, marca e compartilha essa receita ! #lowcarb #biscoitinhodequeijo
#lanche #receitafuncional #kakacozinhasaudavel #crackers #receitafit #receitalowcarb