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O que você faz nesse tal de Croixxxfitiii
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Essa é a realidade.
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Fechando o melhor final de semana de aniversário que poderia ter ❤ Obrigada a todos pelas mensagens e por estarem junto comigo celebrando mais um ano. Um brinde à amizade e à saúde ! .
" Sou milionário de alma rica,
Pai, Obrigada ! O dia tá lindo ! Me sinto abençoado... " Desculpe por reclamar que meu aniversário sempre chove
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Отличный парный комплекс
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Очень интересный комплекс
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Hyper speed hydration
Intense exercise spikes your heart rate, raises your body temperature and wipes you out. So far, so obvious. Everyone knows the solution to this simple physiological fact flows freely from your tap, but according to research from the University of Iowa, if it’s hydration you’re after, you’ve got to mix it up.
Drinks containing around 6g carbohydrate per 100ml were found to increase the rate at which water was absorbed into the bloodstream, rehydrating you in double-quick time. And there’s no need to shell out on costly sports drinks either, simply pour a little 100% fruit juice in with your H20 to feel the full effects.
Follow:♀️ @pinupgirlathletics ♀️
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Лютый комплекс
Есть комплексы на которых кайфуешь а есть на которых думаешь, что погибнешь молодым
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22 маха гирей 40кг
33 отжимания от пола
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