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Just look how pretty these crystal planters are!
#crystaladdict #witchythings #crystalsale #crystalnecklace #crystaljewelry #crystalpower #witchesofig #goodwitch #eclecticwitch #crystalenergy #crystal #zenfultribe #crystalsofinstagram #crystalmagic #crystaltherapy #crystalgem #witchlife #wiccansofinstagram #witchyvibes #crystalvibes #crystallovers #crystalhealer #crystalsofig #instawitch #crystalshop #crystals #healingcrystal #crystalquartz #crystalhealing #crystalcollection
✨Personal Shopping Slots✨We’re off to another Gem Show & its time to take on some Personal Shopping Slots! .
✨What is it?✨ If you have been on the hunt for something in particular, or are looking to add something very specific to your collection- this might be an awesome opportunity for you! EC will be your eyes at the gem show, and spend time looking specifically for a piece for you! .
✨How to contact us about reserving your spot:✨Send us a DM telling us that you’re interested- with what you are looking for. If we think it’s something we’re likely to encounter, we will take you on for a personal shopping slot. First come, first serve. ☺️ .
✨What information we need:✨ We need the name of the crystal/mineral you’re looking for with your budget for the piece. Be as specific about the details of the piece that you’re looking for as you see fit, but also understand that being too specific may narrow your options quite a bit. (Please limit yourself to only 3 things that you’re looking for, per slot. If you are wishing for more- once we find the pieces on your list, we may be able to extend your slot to include more pieces once we are there.) .
✨How many slots we’re taking:✨ We are currently only accepting 5 slots prior to leaving, more may open up once we arrive, and are able to get our footing at the show. (We’ll also obviously be doing some major inventory selecting for EC as a whole, so if you don’t get a shopping slot- just know we will also have one of our typical posts before we leave for a gem show. This will be where we ask what your overall requests are of what we should bring back with us!) .
✨How much it costs:✨ NOTHING (other than the price of your piece of course) This is a service that we enjoy offering and look forward to doing whenever we can. #crystalshop #crystalsale #gemstones #gemshow #rosequartz #crystalsforsale #crystalgrid #chakras #rosequartznails #crystalhealing #quartzclusters #quartz #metaphysics #spiritualawakening #largecrystals #asthetic #crystalporn #crystalquartz #crystalsofig #crystalporn #crystallove #crystalcollection #crystallovers #makeitblissful #livemoremagic #magic #momentsofmine #nothingisordinary
Ah, the egg. A universal symbol of fertility and resurrection, the egg is honored in nearly every culture, on every continent, as the harbinger of new life, luck, and reawakening. The hatching of an egg holds mysticism and wonderment for humans - it’s a little alien, a little mysterious, but always exciting! ✨✨
Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Spring, everyone! To celebrate, take 20% off all crystal eggs (and the sphere sale continues) in the shop through midnight tonight ✨
#crystalseverydamnday #easteregg #eggs #sacredsymbols #folklore #easter #passover #springtime #symbol #amethyst #amethyste #amethystgeode #healingcrystals #fertility #newlife #resurrection #eggmagic #crystalmagic #crystalcollection #crystalsforsale #crystalsale #crystalshop #rockshop #metaphysical #crystal #crystals #eyecandy #crystalegg #crystaleggs