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We did it again!!!
Educatius Group’s USA F-1 Inbound High School Program is listed by CSIET for the 5th year in a row. “This 5th consecutive year of the CSIET listing is very important us, and just one of our many commitments to the quality of our high school program for international students,” confirms Paul McLaughlin, President Educatius USA and Canada.
Check out our full release in the link below!
Link ➡️ https://www.educatius.org/USA-and-Canada-High-Schools/CSIET
#highschool #educatius #studyabroadlife #studyabroad #CSIET #getahead #exchangestudent #studyabroadbecause #studyabroadadventures #internationalstudents #wanderlust #pictureoftheday
Such an honor to be chosen as part of the student panel representing my exchange program (#youthexchangeandstudy) during the CSIET conference, and answering all those questions regarding my experience and my path towards a leadership role. ✌️ #yes #csiet #americancouncils #umbrellaorganization #studentpanel #honored #exchangeprograms #IWantToDoThatAgain #LC
Hey STSF students! This is a call for those of you with creative skills to participate in this contest sponsored by CSIET. The winner will receive $500 and the proposed artwork will be featured on the cover of this year's Advisory List. For more information visit www.csiet.org and click on the Outreach & Activities section. Good luck! #STSFexperience #STSFoundation #beststudentsever #CSIET
We're the largest!
Educatius Group is the largest CSIET Organization in 2017-18 – for F-1 High School Programs in the USA!
CSIET (Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) has just published their 2017-2018 stats showing all F-1 students who studied on a CSIET listed high school + host family program in the USA. And we are very excited to share that Educatius Group received the largest number of international high school students on CSIET F-1 high school programs in the last year! For the full press release, please see the link below. .
#CSIET #StudyAbroad #EducatiusGroup #InternationalStudents
STS High School: Tanti dubbi in testa prima di partire per l'anno all'estero? Nicolò, ex studente exchange, risponde alle tue domande su whatsapp 393 8158600
#annoallestero #stspeoplearoundtheworld #stshighschool #exchangestudent #usa #whatsapp #exchange #australia #csiet #stsfoundation #newzealand #unitedkingdom #lovetheworld #newlife