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I’ve been wanting to try this type of photo...I’ve seen so many photographers doing it. Of course, with my husband and son, it wasn’t easy. My son laughed hysterically the whole time even though I was trying to get ‘serious faces’. But it was fun and I like it anyway! #faces #fatherandson #closeup #sidebyside #myloves #mywholeworld #ctchildrenphotographer #ctchildphotographer #ctphotographer #ctfamilyphotographer #sweetmomentsintimephotography
So about a month and a half ago, I met with a pretty awesome family at a little coffee & donut shop to let their two kiddos know about some really amazing news! Big brother read the board to his little sister, and I just love their expressions once they figured it out. Not only are they getting another sibling, they are getting TWO!
Please help me congratulate this beautiful family ❤️ #pregnancy #twins #pregnancyannouncement #donuts #munchkins #family #ctchildrenphotographer #ctchildphotographer #ctphotographer #ctfamilyphotographer #sweetmomentsintimephotography
I can’t get over how absolutely gorgeous this momma is and how she glows!! ✨✨ they are so ready for this baby girl to get here!
#honeybeephotography #ctchildrenphotographer
#ctphotographer #ctfamilyphotographer
#ctnewbornphotographer #ctportraitphotographer
#ctlifestylephotographer #candidchildhood