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Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Our proposal for the new 'Twórcza Twarda' Cultural Center in Warsaw is designed as a dynamic multifunctional assemblage of three diverse volumes that are integrated and interact with the surrounding buildings. The building is shaped in a way that emphasizes the separation and independence of each institution: MDK, DKŚ and the multifunctional auditorium, while at the same time it appears and works as a coherent object with its common spaces connecting all of the different zones. The building is connected to its surroundings through the sculpting and diversification of its volumetry, in order to emphasize and accentuate specific axes and relations that relate to it. The Cultural Center opens up to the south-east direction towards the Nożyk Synagogue and its square, the "White Building" and the "Zdrój" building, and links with the pedestrian path and axis of the Emilii Plater Street which leads to the Palace of Culture, as well as the west-east axis which connects it with the Old City and the numerous other public spaces and cultural institutions of the broader area. To solve the coexistence and parallel function of the two institutions, a height gradation was introduced in the section of the building so that the entire composition of volumes smoothly transforms from lower levels on the upper floors to higher ones on the ground floor and the street level. The building mass is also more compact on the West-northern side to relate to the larger urban scale of the "Za żelazną bramą" housing unit, while it is getting more porous and fragmented on the west side to relate to the low-rise human scale of the "Zdrój" building, the Synagogue, the kindergarten and the urban square. Team: Irgen Salianji, Karolina Szóstkiewicz, Katarzyna Duliba, Adrianna Drohomirecka #urbanity #architecture #culturalCentre #warsaw#poland #competition #project #publicspace #architecture_hunter #architecture_view #next_top_architects #superarchitects #morpholio #architecturestudent #critday #iarchitectures #arquitectura #arquitetapage #arc_only #startarchitects #arquisemteta #archilife #arch

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Kutubu is the first convention centre that Grimshaw has designed in the Southern Hemisphere. Delivered in collaboration with New Zealand practice, @ignitearchitects, the Kutubu Convention Centre was officially opened last week with a gala event to mark the occasion. The centre will be managed by @hiltonhotels as part of the Star Mountain Plaza precinct, forming part of the chain’s impressive portfolio of cultural and destination venues. Congratulations to all involved in the realisation of this project. Image by David Collins - #kutubuconventioncentre #architecture #tropicalarchitecture #timber #starmountainplaza #culturalcentre #conventioncentre #grimshaw

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Культурный центр комплекса «Земля Олонхо». Cultural centre of the complex “Olonkho Land”. . В проекте культурного центра для Якутии архитекторы интерпретируют церемониальный кубок для распития кумыса – чорон, превращая его в модуль, из которого «набирается» объект. In the project of the cultural center for Yakutia, architects interpret the ceremonial cup for drinking koumiss - Choron, turning it into a module from which the object is assembled.

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Схемы зонирования культурного центра комплекса «Земля Олонхо». Zoning schemes of the “Olonkho land” Cultural Centre. . Такое функциональное зонирование подразумевает градацию от тихих природных пространств, отведенных для прогулок и сакральных действ, до плотной урбанизированной городской среды. . Such a functional zoning implies a gradation from quiet natural spaces set aside for walks and sacral acts to a dense urbanized urban environment.

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Многофункциональный жилой комплекс «Нескучный Home&Spa». В пространстве мостов, объединяющих башни компекса, предполагается создание Культурного Центра «Новый Авангард». В этом Центре, расположенном на высоте 30-36-го этажа, разместятся зрительный зал, аудитории, выставочные залы, лекторий. Горожане получат новое, не имеющее аналогов культурное пространство. . Multifunctional residential complex "Neskuchny Home & Spa". The space of bridges uniting the towers of the complex will be used for the Cultural Center called "New Avant-garde". This Center located at the height of the 30-36th floor will house an auditorium, auditoriums, exhibition halls, a lecture hall. Citizens will receive a new, unparalleled cultural space.

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

MVRDV’nin, Çin’in Tianjin şehrinde tasarladığı Tianjin Binhai Kütüphanesi, büyük ölçekli bir kültür kompleksinin ikonik bir parçası olarak dikkat çekiyor. Fotoğraf: @ovanduivenbode #arkitera @mvrdv #Tianjin #China #tianjinbinhailibrary #library #bibliothèque #biblioteca #bibliothek #kutuphane #culturalcentre #designinspiration #architecture #designinspiration #interiordesigner #interiordesign #içmekan #tasarim #mimarlik #librarydesign #kutuphane

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Cultural Centre in Najaf, #Iraq, designed by Thana'a Hussein. Visualization by Ridha Hasan. #archidesign #archviz #architects _______________________________ . Use #arcfly tag to get featured. . Tag your archi friends. . _______________________________ #architecturalproject #archvisualization #architecturaldesign #CulturalCentre #youngarchitect #vrayrender #ps #postproduction #archilife #architecturelife #architectureschool #archistudent #architecturestudents #archilovers #architecturelovers #instaarchitecture #arquitetos #arquitectos #architekten #mimarim #architetti #architectural

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Great to see strong work and a bit of healthy debate @ubcsala studio sessions #ubcsala #comprehensive #architecturestudio #architecturestudent #architecturalmodel @ubcappliedscience #firstnations #culturalcentre

Hashtags for theme #CULTURALCENTRE

Project by @architects_for_urbanity _ architects_for_urbanity Our proposal for the new 'Twórcza Twarda' Cultural Center in Warsaw is designed as a dynamic multifunctional assemblage of three diverse volumes that are integrated and interact with the surrounding buildings. The building is shaped in a way that emphasizes the separation and independence of each institution: MDK, DKŚ and the multifunctional auditorium, while at the same time it appears and works as a coherent object with its common spaces connecting all of the different zones. The building is connected to its surroundings through the sculpting and diversification of its volumetry, in order to emphasize and accentuate specific axes and relations that relate to it. The Cultural Center opens up to the south-east direction towards the Nożyk Synagogue and its square, the "White Building" and the "Zdrój" building, and links with the pedestrian path and axis of the Emilii Plater Street which leads to the Palace of Culture, as well as the west-east axis which connects it with the Old City and the numerous other public spaces and cultural institutions of the broader area. To solve the coexistence and parallel function of the two institutions, a height gradation was introduced in the section of the building so that the entire composition of volumes smoothly transforms from lower levels on the upper floors to higher ones on the ground floor and the street level. The building mass is also more compact on the West-northern side to relate to the larger urban scale of the "Za żelazną bramą" housing unit, while it is getting more porous and fragmented on the west side to relate to the low-rise human scale of the "Zdrój" building, the Synagogue, the kindergarten and the urban square. Team: Irgen Salianji, Karolina Szóstkiewicz, Katarzyna Duliba _ #urbanity #architecture #culturalCentre #warsaw #poland #competition #project #publicspace #architecture_hunter #architecture_view #next_top_architects #superarchitects #morpholio #architecturestudent #critday #iarchitectures #arquitectura #competitionsarchi #designcompetition #ideacompetition #instaarchi #instaarchitecture #instaarchitect #architectureschool

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