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There may be times of hardship in our lives. Times when things don’t go the way we think they should. But when we desire God’s will above our own, we can trust Him to help us—no matter what. And when we do, we know He’ll strengthen us by supernatural means.
Trust the will of your Good Shepherd, the One who knows best. Not only will He send you supernatural aid, He’ll reveal a pathway no one knew existed! #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday #spreadGodsWord #proclaimGod
Jesus tells His disciples that, no matter what’s happening in the world—famine, war, earthquake, betrayals, persecution—they aren’t to worry. For this world can take nothing from them—as long as they trust in God, His promises and His love. He will never leave them. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
When we lack clear direction, have doubts as to what awaits us, we can think back to a time when God has done something so beyond what we could’ve imagined, pulling us out of our quandary and setting our feet down in a good, secure place.
Instead of worrying, GO TO GOD. Remember what He has done, the wonders He has performed in the past. Know that He will give you the information you need. And that when you take Him at His Word, you’ll be sure to find things just as He said you would. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday #spreadGodsWord #proclaimGod
Life feels so unfair at times, Lord. People who disobey and dishonor You often seem to have everything—wealth, fame, relationships. It makes no sense. But You’re teaching me, Father, but many are on a slippery slope. They’re headed for destruction. Instead of envying them, remind me to intercede on their behalf, that they may come to know You. Amen. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
God knows who you are and what you desire. When that desire fits in with His plans for you, He cannot help but deliver. Your job is to allow Him an opening so that you can receive His message. That means, spending time alone, waiting for Him to come, to speak. And when He does speak, you are to have no doubts but to trust God will do what He has promised. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
Lord, I know You’re the One who sees beyond all appearances and preconceived beliefs. Help me trust You as the ultimate Judge. To leave all things and people to Your Holy discernment—not mine. Be my Shopet. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
There is one thing we can trust, one thing we can count on with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind: the WORD OF GOD. It tells us what to do, how to walk, run, fly, soar to the One who is and will always be. It gives guidance, a pathway to the Divine authority, the One who knows who we are and what our lives are to be. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
No matter what you’re going through today, praise God! He’s ready and willing to carry the load on your behalf. What a trustworthy and faithful God we serve. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday
When we wander from the fold—eager to do our own thing—He came looking for us. With His great love, He pursued us. And He didn’t give up until He found us once again. #dailywisdom #dailywisdomforwomen #dailywisdomforwomen2019 #dailydevotional #devotional #dailymeditation #dailymeditations #spiritualbooster #spiritualboosters #dailyspiritualbooster #dailyspiritualboosters #wordofGod #wordofGodtoday