dancetechnique dance dancer dancers dancestudio technique dancetraining contemporarydance danceteacher compdance competitiondance dancelife dancememes dancermemes jazzdance ballet ballettechnique bloch capezio danceclass dancing balletdancer ballettraining choreography danceintensive dancersofinstagram flexibility hiphopdance yoga atlantadance ohiodance
‘expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short-term discomfort in the service of long-term reward.’
I had the privilege of working with the dancers at @dance_u_studio the past few was an honor to share their space and see them push themselves for long-term improvement...I can’t wait to see how much you grow this year
#creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceconditioning #flatback #yogablocks #bodyalignment #choicematters #focusyourenergy #effortalways #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison
last week I was able to work with the dancers at @letsdancesc for the second time this was amazing to see their growth! thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey and I can’t wait to see you continue to grow
#creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #danceconditioning #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceeducation #arabesque #strongdancers #alwaysgrowing #pilatesball #loopband #focusedwork #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancefitness #dancementor
Tucking the pelvis under the FAKE turning is one of the most dangerous faults in training ballet. ❌ During the PBT course in Denver, Marie discussed with the teachers the importance of the pelvis alignment being maintained in a neutral position during this activation. .
#progressingballettechnique #ballettraining #dancetraining #ballettechnique #dancetechnique #dancestudents #balletstudents #pbtexercises
‘put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. this is the secret to success.’
last week I had the honor of teaching at @stagedoorstudios we talked about a lot of things in classes and focused on how to approach training from different was a joy to share the dance space with you all and know I learned from you just as much as I hope you learned from me
♀️: @riley.justice @melinamalliaras
#creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceclass #dancevideo #acrossthefloor #battement #control #leghold #placement #focusedeffort #guestteachers #summertraining #danceintensive #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor
‘a master is a beginner that kept beginning.’
taking the time to rediscover the simplicity and fundamentals within movement, skills, or a concept (especially if you have been doing them for years) can open your eyes up to how difficult and complex they truly are. NEVER be above being a beginner, embrace it with open arms and excitement because it is very possible you will learn something by approaching it with a different mindset. beginning anything starts off with openness and possibility that anything can happen...never lose that wonder because that is what will keep you growing and learning in all you do
#creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #techniquetuesday #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceconditioning #crosstraining ##theraband #forwardfold #hamstrings #flexibility #strength #control #mindbodyconnection #beabeginner #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancefitness #dancementor
‘PASSION is ENERGY. feel the POWER that comes from FOCUSING on what EXCITES you.’
#creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #danceconditioning #dancetechnique #conditioningfordancers #crosstraining #injuryprevention #yogablocks #theraband #control #muscleengagement #stability #danceeducation #danceeducator #dancetrainer #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor