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Tattoo done by our resident artist @angelotattooartist #nofilter
#nofiltertattoo #realistictattoo #anchortattoo #besttattoo #besttattooartist #tat2 #tattoooftheday #tatuagem #tatuaje #bostontattooshop #bostontattooparlor #danvers #danversma #inked #tattooed #inkedmag #angelofernandes #thekingdom #kingdomtattoo #tattoo
MIX TAPE TOUR courtesy of TACHE REAL ESTATE ⚓️ w NKOTB Looking to LIST your North Shore Property? Contact COLBY BOULAY at 978 745 2004 #salemmass #tacherealestate #julietache #salemmarealestate #nkotb #nkotbmixtape2019 #marblehead #swampscott #salemma #danversma #dorchesterma #beverlymass #marbleheadrealestate #lynnma #homedecor #homedesign #realestateagent #homeremodel #newtonma #saugusma #reverema #middletonma #topsfieldma #newburyportma #realestategoals #realestatelifestyle #chestnutstreet #marbleheadneck #witchcity #salemmassachusetts @nkotb @northshorehomemag @northshoremusic @northshore1049 @kiss108 @debbiegibson @naughtybynature4ever @theroofsalem @ledgersalem @rockafellasofsalem @villagetavernsalem @sylvanstreetgrillepeabody @tacherealestate @colby_boulay @reck_fitness @salem_ymca @thegulugulucafe @brodiespubpeabody @nbptchamber @salemchamber @marbleheadchamber @peabody_chamber @greaterbeverlychamber @nardotrealtor @vh1 @axstv @salemwitchmuseum @hauntdhappnings @cinemasalem @the_cabot @warwick.cinema
MIX TAPE TOUR courtesy of TACHE REAL ESTATE ⚓️ w NAUGHTY BY NATURE Looking to LIST your North Shore Property? Contact COLBY BOULAY at 978 745 2004 #salem #tacherealestate #julietache #salemmarealestate #lynnma #saugusma #bostonma #salemass #salemma #salemhauntedhappenings #marbleheadrealestate #swampscottrealestate #swampscott #danversma #beverlyma #rowleyma #ipswichma #bostonrealestate #bostonrealtor #naughtybynature #realestatelifestyle #realestatenews #firsttimehomebuyer #listingagent #massachusettsrealestate #gloucesterma #newburyportmass #luxuryrealestate #bostonhomes #salemwitch @harvardalumni @bostonu @northeastern @berkleecollege @endicottalumni @bostoncollege @tacherealestate @colby_boulay @reck_fitness @salemstate @villagetavernsalem @theroofsalem @rockafellasofsalem @finzseafoodsalem @kakawachocolatehouse @flatbreadsalem @toscanabeverly @caponespeabody @hardrockboston @salemcollision @salem_waterfront @goodwitchofsalem @witchcitywalkingtours @northshore1049 @kiss108 @realtordotcom @newenglandlivingtv @bostonmagazine @lynnfitnesscenter @salem_ymca @salemhighdrama @mltlive @bishopfenwickhs @stjohnsprep
Recently over lunch I had a friend tell me that there are 5 different Rachael’s
1️⃣Wife Rachael
2️⃣Mom Rachael
3️⃣Family/Friend Rachael
4️⃣Entrepreneur Rachael
5️⃣Boss Rachael
6️⃣Rachael Rachael
My friend also told me that it’s easy to see when I haven’t been taking care of #6. This friend reminded me that in order to be the best 1-5 I need to put Rachael-Rachael first.
I’ve never been very good at consistent self-care, or self-love. I’m the type of person that gets caught up easily in the “I should be doing” and the “What if I don’t” or “I’m no good at” thoughts.
Tomorrow morning my husband and I leave for our first kidless vacation together since before Lucas was born. To say I’m excited is an understatement and yet the mom-guilt still finds its way to creep in.
My biggest goal for this trip is to disconnect completely. To let go of the anxiety about what’s happening at home, to trust the amazing people that are taking care of my kiddos and my studio while I’m gone, to know that this is a well deserved and much needed break from the hustle and bustle. And to truly connect with my husband again.
With a million things let to do before we get on the plane tomorrow I’m trying to do what I can and know it’s not the end of the world if the laundry isn’t done or the bathrooms aren’t clean before we go!
That being said, you have 1️⃣ more chance to Sweat with me before my vacation!Join me for SF HiiT @ 4:30pm today and let’s make this Wednesday amazing!
Working my way back into my @fasterwaytofatloss programAfter my accident last week my doctor prescribed lots of rest, ice and not to overexert my left shoulderAs such, my fitness program took a back seat to healing. I am also, admittedly, an all-or-nothing type of person when I’m following a program so.... yup that also means my food choices haven’t been the best♀️
But, today is low carb & HiiT day and I’m ready!
Today I broke my fast with this delicious Big-Mac inspired burger bowl and roughly 40oz of water! T-minus 45 until we hit the beach!
• 3/4 cup mayo
• 4 tsp mustard
• 2 tbsp diced hamburger pickles
• 1 tablespoon White vinegar
• 1 tablespoon finely minced onion
• 2 teaspoons Stevia
• 1/2 teaspoon Paprika
Chrome Dust in Pearl •
#tbnloungespa #thebestnailslungespa #TBNNAILSELFIE #bostonnailartist #bostonnails #northshorenails #danversma #nailart
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