databases databasetrusted databasesupplierindonesia databasemurah data bisnisonline bisnisdatabase bisnisdatabasemurah bisnisdatasupplier database databaseindo databasekonveksi databasemurahmeriah databasemurmer databasepromo databasetermurah databaseterpercaya databaseindonesia database100k databaseagenmurah databaseasli databasereal databaseresmi databasesuplier databasesuplierindonesia databasesupplier webdesign webdeveloper bigdata еда44
Credits @coderforevers _________
Please share and follow @python.wisdom ____________
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Lemmatization from natural language processing toolkits library________
Please share and follow @python.wisdom ____________
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Kamu mau bisnis
Tapi bingung mau bisnis apaa
Ga usah bingung, bisnis PIN KONVEKSI ajaa,, penghasilannya lumayaan bangett lohh buat nambah" uang jajan,, uang saku,, uang bulanan kamuu...
Cara kerjanya gampang bangeett kok,, cuma tinggal di copas" ajaa,, modal handphone,, media sosial dan kuota ajaa,, ntar bakalan aku ajariin kok,, dibimbing sampe bisa dan suksess menghasilkan...
Ga ada salahnya kan Jika kamu menyisihkan sedikit dari uang jajan kamu buat modal bisnis pin konveksi,, siapa tau rejeki kamu disini sama kayak aku dan yang lainnya jugaa...
YUK JOIN di : @jk.bussines
Modalnya 1x selamanya lhooo .
Jangan salah JOIN yaa...
More info
Ig : @jk.bussines
Line : myg93x .
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Day[12/100] - Android Data Storage ️
Happy Wednesday ☺️ Today I started section 7 of my android course, which covers permanent Data Storage
Looking forward to get through this section! It includes alert dialogs , SQLite databases ️, webviews and 2 Apps
(Notes App & News Reader )
Which databases have your worked with before?
Have you created any apps involving databases? If so, what were they
Let me know in the comments
Apologies for the late post today, thinking about switching up the content whilst still doing #100daysofcode
Have a great week everyone! ☺️✌❤️
Hello! :) Today I continued learning for the next exam, Databases 2. Read here a small summary of what I learned:
You can imagine an index for a database similar to an index of a book. Its purpose is to improve the speed of searches in the data by looking into the index first, which itself has a pointer to a certain disk block of the database. There are different types of indexes, and they can have one or multiple levels.
Query processing and optimization
When you execute for example an SQL query, a lot of things happen inside of the Database Management System (DBMS). One part of the DBMS is the query optimizer. The query optimizer determines the most efficient way to execute a given query by considering the possible query plans. So when we have for example a query with a few Joins and a 'WHERE' clause, it decides in which order the different parts of the query are executed to gain optimal speed.
Transaction & concurrency
A DBMS should ensure the ACID properties for each transaction. ACID means atomicity, consistency, isolation and duration. The DBMS needs to decide how it is scheduling its transactions, so that they don`t infere with each other and produce problems like the lost update or dirty read problem e.g.
What have you done today? Have a nice day! :)
P.S.: Swipe to see how I took this picture. ^^
Java JDBC Example Code
follow @ideadevelopers for more
check bio link for programming tutorials
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➡️Work hard⬅️
Day [19/100] #100daysofcode
Hello friends ✌️
❓Do you work or study at the weekend?
❓What did you currently learn?
Today, I've practiced creating CSS animations and read some pages in my Elon Musk book.
Furthermore, I've watched the Formula 1 Qualifying in Baku
Peace out and have a nice weekend ✌️
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DAY 2/100 Song: @hillsong ➡️ Spent the night reading and setting up an API project for my application that I will be building out for the next 100 days. The abbreviation API sounds so ears reading the Wikipedia post but I had to dive in deep to see that it’s more ➡️ Worked on my side project with my existing knowledge of scss ➡️ wrote some JavaScript for google map
#100daychallenge #100daysofcode #buildupdevs #html5 #css3 #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #programming #programminglife #codinglife #websitedeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwaredeveloper #aspdotnet #csharp #websitedeveloper #code #coders #databases #vuejs #frontenddeveloper #backenddeveloper #fullstackdeveloper #webapi #softwareengineering