davisandwhite figureskating iceskating soi19 starsonice starsonice2019 meryldavis charliewhite hubbelldonohue jeremyabbott madisonhubbell mirainagasu bradietennell zacharydonohue ashleywagner maiashibutani shibsibs jasonbrown alexshibutani scheherazade coldplay icedance marinazueva musicedit olympicgoldmedalist shibsib teamusa throwback vivalavida jeremyabbott
Video: @derekhough • “I was definitely not expecting that call,” Hough tells TVGuide.com. “I still can’t believe they asked me. I got lucky. I really did. It was an honor to help them out any way I could.” •
Hough worked on Davis and White’s quickstep and foxtrot in their My Fair Lady themed short dance for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. ⛸#derekhough #meryldavis #charliewhite #davisandwhite #teamusa #olympicgoldmedalist #icedance #figureskating #sochi #olympics #worldofdance #dancingwiththestars
Flashback Friday - November 2017 - Galleria Dallas Mall • Meryl and Charlie will be performing there again this weekend. ⛸❄️#meryldavis #charliewhite #davisandwhite #babyitscoldoutside #michaelbuble #idinamenzel #galleriadallas #dallas #texas #flashbackfriday #fbf #icedancing #figureskating #olympicgoldmedalist
Flashback Friday - Meryl and Charlie perform their Short Dance at the 2013 NHK Trophy in Japan. ⛸Choreography by Derek Hough of Dancing With The Stars and World of Dance
#meryldavis #charliewhite #davisandwhite #derekhough #nhktrophy #foxtrot #quickstep #shortdance #marinazueva #olegepstein #icedance #figureskating #icouldhavedancedallnight #myfairlady #frederickloewe #goldmedalist #japan #tokyo #teamusa #usfigureskating #flashback #flashbackfriday #choreography #dancingwiththestars #worldofdance
#Repost @scott_d
#starsonice #soi The cast #karenchen #iceshow #teamusa #olympian #olympics #olympics2018 #roadtopyeongchang #pyeongchang2018 #figureskating #figureskate #figureskater #iceskate #iceskater #iceskating #フィギュアスケート #фигурноекатание #meryldavis #graciegold #merylandcharlie #davisandwhite #ashleywagner #jeremyabbott #adamrippon #squad
#Repost @j_butt
Opening night is done. My first time directing @starsonice and I'm so incredibly pleased. The skaters, creative team, production and crew were all amazing. A million times, thank you! #StarsOnIce #iceshow #iceskating #iceskate #iceskater #figureskate #figureskater #figureskating #graciegold #ashleywagner #madisonchock #jeremyabbott #meryldavis #charliewhite #davisandwhite #merylandcharlie #フィギュアスケート #「 アダム・リッポン