daybreaker dance sunrise yoga community daybreakernyc danceparty architects dybrkr love music wakeupanddance brooklyn capturinggratitude friends metal metalcore party allourgodshaveabandonedus beyou bloom connect consciousness daybreakersydney fitness happiness trucmi
like plants and insects. .
@rinajna and i woke up all giddy before sunrise to spread love, magic ✨and early morning bliss for @daybreakerdc @dybrkr at the @nationalportraitgallery orchid exhibition.
if you haven’t been - Daybreaker is one of my favorite parties. it’s an early morning, high-energy, sober dance party (check out my stories - gone soon). get your groove on, get happy, then go to work (orrrr, skip that shit and go for breakfast with your new friends). thank you @t.patch, @hailesupreme and @love.radha. being a plant felt right .
bubbles: @ellipsura
costumes: @quest_skinner
headpieces: @thornedarrell
Well, why not?
Helloo everypony
#mlp #celestia #princesscelestia #luna #princessluna #mylittlepony #love #lovelikeyou #manesix #brony #pegasister #equestriagirls #pony #pegasister #mlpcomic #comic #glimmer #starlight #starlightglimmer #anon #bestpony #molestia #daybreaker #mlpdaybreaker #fanart #art #mlpgalleryfanart #funny #mlpvideos #discord #mlpdiscord
How do you maintain happiness in your life? Do you make your bed every morning and take a quiet moment to reflect before running out the door? Do you take your girls out for dinner just for the hell of it? Or Is it the overflow of #generosity you show to that same homeless man that is always at your subway station? We want to hear what you do to get your happy on!? #experiencehappiness #daybreaker @dybrkr @lgusa
i’m really excited about hybridized use of space- unconventional things happenings in traditional spaces for increased social-spatial-cultural-economic connectivity. @dybrkr @daybreakerdc transformed a space i’m all too familiar with, @americanart, into a yoga-dance-cherry blossom sunrise-escapade and i loved every minute of it even at 6a on a friday!! kudos @t.patch and team #daybreakerdc!! great seeing you @amorsenh!! hey @smtig_
@tati_runs пригласила меня присоединиться к мероприятию в One World Observatory, самой высокой смотровой площадке Нью-Йорка.
К своему стыду признаюсь, я там ещё ни разу не была. Поэтому приглашение посетить это особенное место, да ещё и в первый день весны, встречая рассвет на вершине мира, делая йогу и танцуя, я с радостью приняла.
Daybreaker это сообщество. Они устраивают утренние вечеринки, где люди танцуют, поют, веселятся перед тем, как пойти на работу. Все это подпитано кофе, комбучей, фруктами и органическими батончиками. Очень необычно. Но самое лучшее не это, а чувство сообщества, единения, добра и позитива.
После йоги мы танцевали с 7 до 8:30 утра. И это было круто! Смотрите видео в сторис.
Шикарный способ начать свой день, проникнуть чувством единения с другими, наполниться счастьем и радостью
Отдельно хочу отметить, все деньги за билеты идут на пожертвование организации, которая обучает молодежь умению быть счастливыми и осознанными ❤️
А вы бывали на подобных вечеринках или хотели бы пойти?
Have you ever heard about Daybreaker? My friend @tati_runs invited me to join @dybrkr for the event. It's morning parties from 7 to 9 am without alcohol and drugs, powered by coffee, kombucha, fruits, and organic snacks. But it's more than dancing, it's a community.
I had a great time doing 6 am yoga at the Top of the World following by dance filled with joy and happiness.
Thanks, Daybreaker, LG and everyone else involved for such a great experience. The best part is that all the tickets money will go to an organization which teaches youth happiness and mindfulness.
Welcoming spring yesterday morning with @daybreakerdc at the #saam #nationalportraitgallery. I have wanted to spin in this beautiful atrium for nearly as long as I’ve lived in DC and the experience was truly unforgettable. Thank you for the wonderful wake up call, @dybrkr!
#daybreaker #daybreakerdc #saamfam #atsaam #poispinning #flowarts #creativedc #smithsonian #spinstagram #kogodcourtyard #flowtoys #danceeverydamnday
In the face of adversity, uncertainty, and conflicting information, I will remain ever mindful and magical, infinite, loving reality in which I live – a reality that conspires tirelessly in my favor.
Join me, @marhamill @daybreakersandiego @dybrkr Saturday 9am @musicboxsd in little Italy for The Future is Feminine Party. Celebrate with fun futuristic themed clothing (astronaut, silver, gold, robot, etc) ————————————————————————
Tickets are almost sold out/ link in story & bio ————————————————————————
: @haleyhillphotography