debbydun debbyryan twentyonepilots tylerjoseph jennajoseph joshuadun joshdun trench blurryface vessel bandito skeletonclique clique selftitled banditotour regionalatbest josh tyler twenty nophunintended tyjo debby jishwa jenna jennablack jimdun joshua vasizdast
My editing skills are nowhere near as good as Josh's or Tyler's but I had to try :)
Covers account; @blurry_covers
Twitter account; @/blurrybanditoss
@tylerrjoseph @joshuadun @twentyonepilots @debbyryan #tøp #twentyonepilots #tøptogreece #twentyønepiløts #tylerjoseph #joshdun #trench #blurryface #vessel #regionalatbest #selftitled #nophunintended #erstour #blurryfacetour #jyler #jebby #clique #skeletonclique #stayalive #joshuadun #neongravestones #thebanditotour #stayalivechallengeaccepted #debbyryan #debbydun #joshanddebbydun
I woke up to this sad and unbelievable new this sunday,I have no words to explain how I feel right now,earth has lost once again a genuine beautiful human being,unfortunately death can happen at any age and that shit is so terribly sad. he was only 20 and had so fucking much more to live. i’m heartbroken,I didn’t know Cameron was dealing with some serious health problems. it’s true when they say heaven always takes the goodest one first,Cameron was one of those. my prayers are going to his friends,his family and of course debby and every each celebrities he could have worked with.
Rest easy Cameron,you’ll be never forgotten! ❤️ #cameronboyce#jessie#debbyryan#debbydun#joshuadun#joshdun#twentyonepilots#lukeross#luke