List of the most popular hashtags for theme #DEBTFREECOMMUNITYAUS

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Hashtags that includes hashtag #DEBTFREECOMMUNITYAUS
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Picked this up for FREE I've had $32.15 in my FlyBuys account since the start of last year so I decided to cash them out and grab this high chair from Target for $29! Our daughter is 1 next month and still using her Bumbo which she's getting to big for, so we decided to upgrade and I'm sooo happy we weren't out of pocket for it


I saw this posted by @theclearingconcept back in May and it's haunted me ever since. Everywhere I look, items that used to be money! Especially when I'm in the shower looking at all those beauty products I've never used! REGRET! It makes me much more mindful now. ▪︎ #declutter #mindfulness #buywithintention #budgeting #saving #finance #money #debtfreejourney #debtfreecommunity #debtfreecommunityaus #savingmoney #frugalmum #wealthmindset #budgetlife #frugalliving #debtisdumb #livingonabudget #budgetmum #debtfreecommunityaustralia #payingdebt #housesaving


Comparing NAB & ST George We have a St George account but are sick of transferring $2000 into and back each month. I think life might just be easier with a NAB account. Nab iSaver no account keeping fees and no minimum deposits 0.5% interest rate or 2.55% for the first 4 months only NAB is a far larger bank St G Maxi Saver No monthly fees if you deposit $2,000 each month, otherwise $5 monthly account keeping fee .5% interest rate 2.7% interest rate for 3 months Owned by Westpac Any thoughts? Any other considerations? #budgeting #planaheadtogetahead #debtfreeaustralians #savemoney #treadyourownpath #banking #thinkahead #makelifeeasier #workitout #debtfreecommunityaustralia #debtfreecommunityaus


Nothing motivates you more to get rid of stuff than the daunting thought of moving house. ↔️ I'm splitting this sale 50/50. Half to replenishing our E.F. and half toward fun school holiday activities! Officially 16 items cleared out of my 100 item declutter challenge. ▪︎ #holidays #onlinesale #budgeting #saving #finance #money #debtfreejourney #debtfreecommunity #debtfreecommunityaus #savingmoney #frugalmum #wealthmindset #budgetlife #frugalliving #debtisdumb #livingonabudget #budgetmum #debtfreecommunityaustralia


Tis the season for toy sales fa la la la la la blah!!!! If I could go back 17 years when I started this parenting journey I would tell my younger self this very advice. #kmart, #target, #bigw, #toyworld etc pay their #marketing teams great salaries for a reason. I would like to ask everyone to rethink birthday and Christmas giving and #shopping especially to children. Not all but a very large portion of all the children you know could give away 90% of their toys and still have far more than enough to engage their senses and entertain them until they outgrow it. #shop smarter, and you'll be richer for it... in #money and #experiences. . . #frugalliving #budget #budgetmum #debtfreeliving #debtfreecommunityaus #buildwealth #childhood #toys #toysale #zippay #afterpay #debtfree


SIDE HUSTLE SATURDAY I opened up a shop on Teachers Pay Teachers a couple of years ago but haven’t been nearly as active as what I should have. This little surprise in my mailbox this morning has reminded me that I have heaps of great resources that I’ve made that are just sitting on my computer. My new goal: upload a minimum of three new products each week during Term Two


Let's talk power bills!!! . . This is one area where we have drastically reduced our daily expenses. Before we became mindful of our power bills, they used to be around $970 for a family of 4, no pool. . . We spent around $50 and bought this electricity meter off eBay, then paid another $50 to get an electrician to install this to our power box. The next quarters bill was $720. Add back on the $100 we spent to get the install, meant a $150 savings. . . Now our bills average around $550 to $600. The kids even know to check that the meter is at $0.03cents before we leave the house. If not it can often sit at 97c all day just by a couple of lights, fans and wall switches being on. . ⌛ . If you left all of your switches at the wall on all day and night running at 97c per hour, thats around $22 per day!!! Which your bill would be around $690 for 30days!!!!! . . This meter is also a great way to test your appliances. When we first got it, we went around switching appliances on and off and found our freezer in the garage was flying through the power. We also got the seals done and it dropped the power usage heaps because it wasn't working overtime to freeze it. #onetoinspire #budgetlife #debtfreecommunityaus #debtfreecommunity #barefootinvestor #daveramsay #cuttingexpenses #savingmoney #reducingexpenses


Our halfway progress for 2019. I'm pretty happy with our little $7k reduction - especially given that 5 out of the 6 months I have been on maternity leave and our income is greatly reduced this year! The sucky part is, for us to be able to pay $7k off our debts it has actually cost us almost $11k because of interest and fees! Wow! OUCH! That was eye opening to work out! But still, we will celebrate the $7k we HAVE paid off and will never have to owe again. ▪︎ #debtreduction #budgeting #saving #finance #money #debtfreejourney #debtfreecommunity #debtfreecommunityaus #savingmoney #frugalmum #wealthmindset #budgetlife #frugalliving #debtisdumb #livingonabudget #budgetmum #debtfreecommunityaustralia


I've said it once and I'll say it again, NSW car owners use to quickly and easily compare greenslip (CTP insurance) prices. This is our mandatory insurance in NSW that you need to pay before you can pay your rego. Some states include it in their registration cost but we pay seperate here. Anyways QBE has been cheapest for us for a couple of years now but low and behold this time GIO is and I've saved myself $15 hard earned dollars by spending less than 5 minutes online. And look at the variations in price! Imagine if you just blindly pay the renewal that comes in the post? You are wasting your money!! Get on it people! #notsponsored #justlovethiswebsite #useiteveryrego #carexpenses #debtfreecommunityaus #ozdebtfreecommunity #dontbestupid #saveyourmoney #reduceyourexpenses

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