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Buona serata ✨
È la prima volta che vedo queste foto. Preferisco Dave con meno barba.
Good evening ✨
It's the first time I see these pictures. I prefer Dave with less beard.
#depechemode #davegahan #martingore #andyfletcher #depeche_mode #depechemodefans #depechemodelovers #depechemodedevotees #dmdevotees #depechemodeaddicted
Just Dave
Il giorno dopo un concerto mi sento sempre un po' triste...
Sono giunta alla conclusione che se potessi vedere un concerto al mese sarei una persona felice.
The day after a concert I always feel a little sad...
I have come to the conclusion that If I could see a concert every month I would be a happy person.
#depechemode #davegahan #davidgahan #dave_gahan #davegahanfans #davegahandevotee #reachoutandtouchdave #depeche_mode #depechemodefans #depechemodelovers #depechemodedevotees #dmdevotees #depechemodeaddicted
His eyelashes
Voglio sapere che mascara usa Dave per avere le ciglia lunghe come le sue
I want to know what mascara uses Dave to have eyelashes as long as his
#depechemode #davegahan #davidgahan #dave_gahan #davegahanfans #davegahandevotee #reachoutandtouchdave #davegahanisgod #depeche_mode #depechemodefans #depechemodelovers #depechemodedevotees #dmdevotees #depechemodeaddicted
1989, Personal Jesus
Ignorate il playback, loro sono troppo carini. Loro e le magliette con Gesù.
Ignore the playback, they are too cute. Them and the shirts with Jesus.
#depechemode #davegahan #martingore #andyfletcher #alanwilder #personaljesus #reachoutandtouchfaith #depeche_mode #depechemodefans #depechemodelovers #depechemodedevotees #dmdevotees #depechemodeaddicted #depechemodevideo
the sweetest smile in the world •
Oggi mi sento un po' demoralizzata, ma le sue foto mi fanno sempre sentire un po' meglio ❤
Today I feel a bit demoralised, but his pictures makes me feel always a little better ❤
#depechemode #davegahan #davidgahan #dave_gahan #davegahanfans #davegahandevotee #reachoutandtouchdave #depeche_mode #depechemodefans #depechemodelovers #depechemodedevotees #dmdevotees #depechemodeaddicted