desafiodecisum lessthings decluttering simple simplelife gratitude minimalist desafiominimalista declutter minimalism simplicity theminimalists vidaminimalista minimalismo minimalista souminimalista becomingminimalist decisum itsallaboutthejourney lessstress lettinggo livingwithless myminimalistjourney simplifying stopthemadness lessstressed love adventure lifestyle nature lessstress
Read the caption. .
Have you ever been in an argument
when suddenly you find the whole thing funny and start laughing and all the pressure and discomfort goes away and you are free and happy?
Now think if you could do that anytime, anywhere, with anyone. That’d be awesome!
We all carry around with us a huge reservoir of accumulated negative feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. The accumulated pressure makes us miserable and is the basis of many of our illnesses and problems.
It is the accumulated pressure of feelings that causes thoughts. One feeling, for instance, can create literally thousands of thoughts.
Paragraph from : letting go by david hawkins.
#lettinggo #selflove #healing #loveyourself #billmurray #gratitude #selfworth #becomingminimalist #simplifying #itsallaboutthejourney #lessthings #stopthemadness #letgo #livingwithless #decisum #lessstress #forgiveness #simplelife #simple #simplicity #decluttering #declutter #minimalism #theminimalists #myminimalistjourney #minimalist #vidaminimalista #desafiodecisum #desafiominimalista #davidhawkins
"Try to see GOOD in all things."
.#simplelife #love #minimalism #simple #nature #simplicity #life #minimalist #lifestyle #travel #photography #instagood #photooftheday #declutter #simpleliving #gratitude #decluttering #minimalismo #sea #vidaminimalista #happiness #souminimalista #beach #theminimalists #happy #adventure #desafiodecisum #desafiominimalista #minimalista #bhfyp
#simplelife #love #minimalism #simple #nature #simplicity #life #minimalist #lifestyle #travel #photography #instagood #photooftheday #declutter #simpleliving #gratitude #decluttering #minimalismo #sea #vidaminimalista #happiness #souminimalista #beach #theminimalists #happy #adventure #desafiodecisum #desafiominimalista #minimalista #bhfyp
#simplelife #love #minimalism #simple #nature #simplicity #life #minimalist #lifestyle #travel #photography #instagood #photooftheday #declutter #simpleliving #gratitude #decluttering #minimalismo #sea #vidaminimalista #happiness #souminimalista #beach #theminimalists #happy #adventure #desafiodecisum #desafiominimalista #minimalista #bhfyp