designbyleap leapness design designforchange graphicdesign bcorp oneplanet bethechange branding sustainability logo cornwall ecodesign bthechange brand bcorporation website designcornwall bcorpuk designer illustration surfersagainstsewage changemakers climateemergencylogo designforprint lovecornwall plasticfreecoastlines type burnouttobalance
Something sort of new that’s been fermenting for a while after our Leap team time @offfest in 2017 and down to the fact that we are all a bit too nice sometimes over the seriousness of over consumption, planet wrecking, species fucking up and well every-fucking-thing by our wanton disregard of the precious and delicate ecosystem that is the one planet we live on and call home. So stop with the one use water bottles, refill, stop with cheap fashion, buy well and for life, better yet just swap and repair with folks. Think about every purchase. Turn off our endless plastic addiction and take a stance to clean living in all areas of our lives. And if you need a kick start go and use the kick-ass resource that is @the_donation and pledge away. This post is 1 of 25 that we are going to be evolving with a little help from our friends @offgridfemale and @dontcrywolf_consultancy watch this space and don’t be afraid to act like you fucking care because we do. ⚡️
#goodfuckingecoadvice #oneplanet #truewords #bethechange #giveafuck #goodadvice #care #makingadifference #designforchange #leapness #designbyleap #ecodesign #savetheplanet #sustainability #onceisnotenough #reducereuserecyclerepair #buyforlife #quoteoftheday #pleaseshare #fuckinggood #wip #newproject #sidehustle #green
I’m getting very excited about @goodfestcornwall where I’ll be hosting discussions with a seriously IMPRESSIVE line-up of innovators and change-makers ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT!! Posted @withrepost • @leapness
From tiny habits to world-changing movements. sustainability, purpose, doing, good food, good people and good actions are what we are about, local meeting global, to inspire over 100 ambitious and creative people to embrace what they learn and have immersed themselves in into their future work, lives and projects.
May 1 and 2 May 2019 north coast of Cornwall, its our first year and we are so proud of everyone who is involved and all the fab humans that will be sharing with those attending. We are down to under 30 tickets left to buy before we are sold out! Come join in the change-making! Goodfest is an evolving beachside space to connect purposefully and set ourselves on fire with change making ways. .
#goodfestcornwall #idratherbeatgoodfest #good #oneplanet #designforchange #purpose #creativity #festival #designfestival #bedruthan #cornwall #goodtalk #goodkarma #designbyleap #comejoinus #inspirationalpeople #bcorp #changemakers #lovecornwall #sustainability
Our 13th @goodenergyuk goodenergyuk annual report is back from the printers designed of course using energy supplied by a good Energy as we’ve been a customer of theirs since 2004. And we’ve been designing with them since 2005. Very proud to have retained such a long relationship from being a 1 man in his spare room outfit to an expanded and invested team of sustainable designers collaborating local to global on designing for change. As well as being an early adopter of 100% renewable energy use we’ve also invested in a host of community renewable energy schemes over the years, a former board member of Community Power Cornwall when they called out to us to ask for help to investing in them through Leap alongside larger schemes like @triodosuk Thrive renewables. We’ve always believed in a renewable energy future and are stoked to see everything from a greener internet to fossil fuel free days extending around the world. There is zero reason not to be on a renewable energy tariff at the very least for your home or your business it’s such a simple and pleasing action. .
Our recommendation would be to sign up with either Good Energy, @ecotricity or fellow @bcorporation @bulbstagram or talk to your existing supplier, you know our planet is worth it! Be part of a beautiful renewable energy future ☀️⚡️
#goodenergy #renewable energy #zlcenergy #ecotricity #solar #annualreportdesign #annualreport #goodenergydesign #design #designforchange #designbyleap #leapness #ecodesign #sustainabledesign #designforchange #bthechange #bcorp #bcorpuk #businessforgood #graphicdesign #ecodesigners #designforprint #printisntdead #eco
Sneak peak of fab new client and co sharing economy pioneer Co Cars and Co Bikes whose brand we’ve been evolving since partnering with them in December 2018. Co Bikes is part of an electric revolution that provides the UK’s first on-street, city wide, public sharing electric bike network. Co Cars is a hire by the hour car club, co sharing is very much the future and it’s already hear, growth will be phenomenal and if you are interested just reach out to their team - their Instagram is linked in the image. Become a member, explorer or sign up your business, university or town to get involved. We can’t wait for the launch later this year and to show you more.
Shown are 100% recycled and recyclable stickers including recyclable backing paper a rare thing with stickers! And bio-degradable branded pens for use at events. Every aspect of all be do from day one of our design studio is proudly triple bottom line accountable even down to using suppliers that value people and planet.
#sharing #cocars #cobikes #sharingeconomy #co #branding #sustainability #eco #oneplanet #bcorpuk #bthechange #designforchange #exeter #sharedmobility #ecopromotion #recycledstickers #biodegradablepen #leapness #designbyleap #wip #design #ecodesign
Stoked to see our persistence is fruitful and Ben, Laura and Matt have founded @goodfestcornwall May 1 and 2 May 2019 north coast of Cornwall, its our first year and we are so proud of everyone who is involved and all the fab humans that will be sharing with those attending. We are down to under 30 tickets left to buy before we are sold out! Come join in the change-making! Goodfest is an evolving beachside space to connect purposefully and set ourselves on fire with change making ways.
From tiny habits to world-changing movements. sustainability, purpose, doing, good food, good people and good actions are what we are about, local meeting global, to inspire over 100 ambitious and creative people to embrace what they learn and have immersed themselves in into their future work, lives and projects.
#goodfestcornwall #idratherbeatgoodfest #good #oneplanet #designforchange #purpose #creativity #festival #designfestival #bedruthan #cornwall #goodtalk #goodkarma #designbyleap #comejoinus #inspirationalpeople #bcorp #changemakers #lovecornwall #sustainability
We have! Will you?
Why? Progress needs action. Actions need people. People need empowerment.
Leap has created this free downloadable resource to align those declarations of emergency and provide a face to the voices of change. Everyone has a responsibility to help the planet and as creatives, we believe it is our duty to make sustainability accessible.
Actions speak louder than hashtags but just in case you wanted to share: #climateemergencylogo
Go to our 100% carbon neutral website (link in bio) where you can download a completely free logo pack containing web and print versions for use. .
#takeaction #climatechange #activism #oneplanet #share #freelogo #savetheplanet #climatestrike #wedeclare #extinctionrebellion #earthday #climateaction #logoforchange #designbyleap #bcorp #bcorporation #eco #brand #logo #freetouse #xrcornwall
3 and a half years ago, Laurence wandered into Leap as a nervous 18-year-old to have a chat with one of our team. He had no degree, no design experience and but had a thirst for illustration and we saw a right eye for detail in the football inspired work he'd done. He took a chance on us, and we had a belief in him, and so joined our #designforchange team as our newest apprentice.
Laurence says
'Apprenticeships are a rare beast in the design world, and Leap’s grassroots approach to hiring young people is incredible. I strongly believe you shouldn’t need a degree to do a creative profession, yet throughout school, college and in the media, it’s drilled into youngsters that they must go to university to be a success. Leap has always done things differently, and for that, I am truly grateful. Today is my last day at @leapness, but the things I’ve learned here will stay with me forever".
We're all off to celebrate Laurence being taken on as junior designers at the wonderful @ilovedust we couldn't be happier or more proud that one of our team has come so far in such a short time, 22 year's old and change-making constantly with the brightest of creative futures.
Thank you for your time with us and you are always welcome at Leap (in one of our studio spaces;)
#leapness #laurence #juniordesigner #designer #designbyleap #bethechange #bcorp #bthechange #bestfortheworldworkers #ecodesigner #ilovedust #firstjob #employee #newhorizons #peopleplanet #designadvice #goodbyes #celebrate #team #teammember #veryproud #futuresbright #lastday #apprenticeships
Today is the last day of #bcorpmonth @bcorporation we are so proud to have been a certified business since January 2016 with a supportive #BCorp engaged team (who produced this montage of all things @bcorpuk Leap was involved in across 2018). Our founder, Matt is one of 18 CEOs/Founders who are part of the UK B Corp Ambassadors. We felt that showing our previous year’s B Corp activities in supporting the movement and an ever-growing community felt fitting. From presenting alongside fellow B Corps @futerra , @finisterreuk and The Change Maker Group to 180+ delegates at the Unlocking Potential People, Planet Profit day to being awarded Best for the World Workers and Change Makers Honouree to helping new businesses like @greenandblueuk become B Corps and B Leading with companies from Cornwall to Canada, working with businesses wanting to go beyond profit totalling over £400 million in combined value and 1000s of employees. This is what #businessforgood and #bthechange is all about for us it’s about collaboration, interdependence, we are all in this together. .
If you are interested in anything to do with B Corporation just reach out, we are here to share. We love what we are part of and the power of using businesses as a force for good. #joinus .
#sustainabledesigner #bcorpuk #bcorpmonth #bethechange #oneplanet #eco #measurewhatmatters #bleader #bcorpcornwall #businessasaforceforgood #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #bcorporation #certifiedbcorporation #peopleplanetprofit #leapness #designbyleap #design #designers #carbonneutral
It’s all about collaboration, we can’t do this alone, making a difference for the planet that is. Sharing, enhancing, supporting, galvanising, magnifying, you name it. You start a loan nutter but those that like your style seek you out and you them and the magic happens. It’s why we started our @bcorporation @bcorpuk journey back in 2015, to be part of a supportive, enriching, sharing economy movement, where lots of loan nutters ( with a lot of fans) come together and we make stuff happen. Last week Simon and I trekked around London meeting many of our fellow #bcorps as part of #bcorpmonth wow it was good fun and so welcoming. @dontcrywolf_consultancy are just one of those collaborations with Nath from our team having a full on creative bromance. We creating some real magic, on point to the way business should be done with people and planet in every thought. Come join us all in our #bcorporation journey. If you would like to find out more just #dm me or sign up to the free to use business impact assessment on and watch out for what Don’t Cry Wolf have in store for Cannes Lions in June!
#dontcrywolf #leapness #collaboration #oneplanet #bcorp #evo #sustainable #creative #londoncreatives #cornwallcreatives #sustainabledesigner #designforchange #designbyleap #design #website #wip #bthechange #bleader #ambassador