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I’ve been grinding for a good roll Service Revolver. Which one do you think has the best roll (pvp)? ________________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter #therevelry #videogames #gaming
Full set of the Iron Banner (Iron Symmachy) gear for my Hunter. I can’t believe how easy it is to obtain full armor sets in IB. _____________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #destinyironbanner #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter
I really miss D1 trials. I miss the cut scene when you fly to the lighthouse. I also miss the look of the armor and weapons. I don’t play pvp in D2 nearly as much as I did In D1. _________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #crucible #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #seasonoftheforge #destinylastwishraid #lastwish #trials #trialsofosiris #destinytrials #destinytrialsofosiris #destinylighthouse #destiny1 #videogames #gaming
Progress on my Warlock. Slowly but surely getting there. Now onto tier 3 Reckoning . _____________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #destinylastwishraid #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter
A Destiny 2 question was on Jeopardy today. I heard about this dude killing it and decided to actually watch it for once, he’s made 1.4 mill in 19 days. _________________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter #jeopardy #videogames #gaming
Got the Heart of inmost light chest armor from Xur. Now that Xur is selling forsaken exotics I’m getting close to having them all. _________________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #destinylastwishraid #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter
I love the look of The Hateful Wish ornament on the Skull of Dire Ahamkara! Reminds me of the Taken King. Nova bombs with this helm are just insane and so much fun! _____________________________________________________ #destiny #bungie #destiny2 #xboxone #destinyxboxone #destiny2ps4 #destinythegame #ps4 #xbox #playstation #playstation4 #destiny2thegame #destiny2xboxone #ironbanner #destinycrucible #trials #forsaken #destinygambit #destinyforsaken #destiny2forsaken #blackarmory #destinyironbanner #lastwish #lastwishraid #destinyforge #gambit #gambitprime #seasonofthedrifter