detalhes_em_foco apreciadores_natureza bbcbrasil brasilnature ig_rsnafoto nature respirofotografia addicted_to_details be_one_details bns_brazil brasil_greatshots brdoseuangulo clicandoobrasil clicketerno_ destaque_natural foco_rural fotografia garden_styles ig_brazil_ ig_naturezaemfotos ig_riograndedosul_ igw_details instagram instanature melhor_brasil_ monumentos olharesemimagens olharespelomundo photooftheday seashells brickstory
Reflexos .
#doleitorzh #brasil_destaque #examenoinsta #meucliqueestadao #meucliquenafolha #muraldobrasil #olharesemimagens #houses_phototrip #brasil_greatshots #jornalsemanario #igersbrasil #casasecasarios #houses_ofthe_world #destinosimperdiveis #turismonosul #achadosdasemana #interiorgaucho #melhor_brasil_ #detalhes_em_foco #amigersbr #bbcbrasil #picsofbrasil #clicandoobrasil #brazil_repost #great_captures_brasil #brazil_photolovers #total_houses #splendid_outskirts #bns_brazil #melhor_riograndedosul
We're flying off to Cyprus in the morning for a much needed break, so here's a pretty cottage from the Banbury area! The sweet little dog in the window reminds me that our two cats will be looking out of our window for us every day until we come home. Our neighbour looks after them really well but they I know they miss us so much! Will be posting scenes from the Mediterranean but also have plenty cottages in my drafts too, so look out for a mix of both! The weather the past two days has been awful here so it's especially nice to be flying off to the sun and warmth!
#photosofbritain #photosofengland #lovegreatbritain #villages #countryliving #greatbritainshots #bestcaptureglobal #excellent_britain #janela_poetica #thisprettyengland #gloriousbritain #britainshiddengems #detalhes_em_foco #worlds_beautiful_photos #travellingthroughtheworld #europestyle_uk #bestunitedkingdom #britishsnaps #cotswolds #houses_phototrip #traveling_uk #be_one_doorsandwindows #portaseportoes #kings_doorsandco #thebest_windowsdoors #doorsandwindows_greatshots #kings_villages #alluring_villages #cottagesandbungalows #instacottages
#peregrinomundial #photogaleria_portugal #ig_naturezaemfotos #detalhes_em_foco #destaque_natural #asnossasaldeias #olharesemimagens #olharespelomundo #apreciadores_natureza #bomdever_nature #sharing_portugal #portugal_a_gramas #findout_portugal #anonymous_pt #city_in_portugal #lentepontopt
**Mayıs gelir.. Bir mavinin kıyısına çöreklenir yüreğim! Mayıs gelir.. Tüm hüzünleri ertelerim!./ May comes.. My heart falls to the edge of blue! May comes.. I postponed all the sorrows!.** (Can ÇALIŞKAN) #gonuloz11 #world_doorsandwindows #ww_doorsandwindows #wings_doors_windows #portasejanellas #objektifimden #altinkare #zamanidurdur #severekcekiyoruz #turklikeben #turkobjektif #janela_poetica #la_daw #portaseportoes #raw_dnw
Это было в г.Вена (Австрия).......
Напоминает венские дачи австрийской аристократии, где было много выпито вина, за что австрийцы поговаривали "что русские выпили вина за полмесяца, а нам бы хватило на десять лет....." Да, это были счастливые не забываемые дни...
Май 1945 года г.Вена, Петр Кузьмин...
Так мой дедушка подписал одну из этих фотокарточек..........9 мая 1945 года День Победы он встретил в Австрии!!!
Всех с праздником, чистого и мирного неба над головой!
________________________________________________ #shotwithlove #country_features #loves_life #transfer_visions #tv_living #tv_lifestyle #rsa_vsco #detalhes_em_foco #tv_stilllife #still_life_gallery #stilllife #jj_still_life #garden_styles #snap_ish #country_stilllife #curated_nature #petalsandprops #teaandseasons #still_life_mood #fabulicious_shotz #vivo_vintageworld #exclusive_word_stilllife #still_life_nature #tv_neatly #antique_r_us #inspiredbypetals #день_победы #9_мая
Pequenina no Tamanho. Mas Grande na Beleza.
Preservar a natureza é preservar a vida.
Observando a Natureza a sua Volta.