diabeteslookslikeme diabetes diabetic typeonediabetes type1diabetes diabadass type1 diabetestype1 diabetesawareness diabetescommunity lowcarb type1diabetic keto t1diabetes dexcom t1dlife t1dlookslikeme type1strong beyondtype1 diabetesmanagement t1diabetic diabetesisnojoke diabetestyp1 diabeteswithapurpose diabeticlife diabeticwithapurpose drbernstein healthyeating t1dyoudontsee
After three pokes finally got my blood drawn
After 6 long years of having type One Diabetes I’ve finally this last year learned to manage it.. somewhat. After neglecting it for 5 years I decided I wanted better for myself. I wanted to be healthy again! For those who don’t know every three months as a diabetic you go to your doctor and get an average of your blood sugars for the last 90 days. When I was diagnosed my A1c was 11.6 and a two years later I still remained in the 10’s and my goal today was to be in the 7’s. I was extremely close at 8.0. This only motivates me to get where I want to be. I’m glad I finally learned to appreciate the technology and support this world offers for my condition.
#type1diabetes #diabeteslookslikeme
#dexcom #minimed #a1c #diabadass #diabeteslife
** Don’t watch if you don’t like needles**
I have Type 1 Diabetes now for 20 years, I’ve lived longer with this condition than without it. This is my insulin pump. I am attached to this device 24/7. It releases insulin into my stomach via a long, thin wire tube and cannula. It does, in simple terms, what your pancreas does, except I wear mine on the outside Every 2/3 days I have to change the site of the canuala (the needle that releases the insulin into my system) 1) to avoid infection 2) to top it up with more insulin and 3) because you need to move around your “site” area to avoid overloading the same area (I alternate around my stomach)..
This is me doing a set change earlier, I do it without even thinking, this is just my normal day to day ♀️ You’ll see I insert a new one into one side of my stomach and remove the old one...
For a while now I thought about doing this video, not really sure why, I guess because I show so much of my life , why not show this and maybe it will help raise some awareness/ understanding of Type One Diabetes and pump wearers. Especially to any younger girls (or boys) who might feel embarrassed about their pump or are afraid to show their pump or are worried about moving from multiple daily injections to a pump. I was diagnosed at 15 years old and began then injecting myself 4 times a day until I got my pump four years ago...
I’m absolutely not in ANY way looking for praise or sympathy, hell no, there are much worse conditions & illnesses out there and there is no doubt about it EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has some kind of cross to carry, this just happens to be mine. I have T1D but it does not define me at all as a person, it’s just one part of me ..
I think I also wanted to share because behind every “staged” shot of the so called perfect lives we see on Instagram there is real life happening behind it all...
I’m not flippant about my condition, do I wish I didn’t have it? Yes, every day. Do I struggle? Yes, all the time. Does it get me down at times? Yes it does. Do I have health complications? Yes, lots..
But you get up and get on with it #diabeteslookslikeme #typeonediabetes #diabetes
New blog post... Link in bio . Wie versprochen News News News vom #ATTD2019. Außerdem berichte ich Im Blog über mein persönliches Diabetes-Therapie-Traum-System, das vielleicht gar nicht mehr so lange auf sich warten lässt. Und womit liebäugelt ihr so? .
#diabetestype1 #diabetic #diabeticlife #diaborg #diabetes1 #diabetescommunity #insulinpump #tslim #omnipoddash #insulet #insuletcorporation #freestylelibre #dexcom #diabeloop #accuchek #solopump #patchpump #danars #hybridclosedloop #diabeteslookslikeme #dedoc #diabetescommunity #bloodsugarlounge #omnipod #wellion #medtronic
We were really proud of our results in England and Italy last week, but at the same time every competition is motivation to come home and train harder and improve more. Especially when we compete in events with the absolute best ballroom dancers in the world. Remembering the excitement of The Universal Championships, UK Championships and @milanograndball today as we practice. ❤️
I have said it before and I will say it again, I would not be a registered dietitian nutritionist today if my little sister had not been diagnosed with #Type1Diabetes over 20 years ago, at the tender age of seven.
Our experience influenced our careers in healthcare, but it also forced us to develop an understanding of more complex adult issues, like the importance of having health insurance and also the need to buy a life insurance policy.
I am proud to partner with Mira Financial to talk more about how those living with diabetes can get peace of mind with affordable life insurance. They offer special price discounts and have relationships with the leading insurance companies to help people get approved, alleviating your stress and concern over the future better than anyone on the market today
Head on over to the blog (direct link in bio @emilykylenutrition) to learn more about what Mira can do for your peace of mind, and learn more about the 5 Things to Do After Being Diagnosed with Diabetes.
Do you know and love someone with diabetes? With 1 in 10 Americans currently living with diabetes, chances are diabetes affects someone you know and love too. Share this with them or tag in the comments below
#sponsored #type1 #type1warrior #type1diabetic #type1lookslikeme #type1mom #diabetestype1 #diabetesfood #diabetes1 #diabetesdiet #diabetesawareness #diabetessucks #diabeteslife #diabetescommunity #diabetesmellitus #type2diabetes #type2diabetic #diabetes #diabetestype2 #diabetesprevention #curediabetes #diabetesblog #diabeteslookslikeme #rdchat #rd2be #rochesterny #thisisroc #registeredietitian
Great first half today and finished a bit meh but only 3 arrows I’m not happy about in a tricky wind. Bring on matchplay ❤️ #didyoutraintoday #BowChic #Beiter #Doinker #Prime #LadiesOfPrime #Easton #archery #archerylife #archerybum #t1d #G5Outdoors #PrimePro #TIKArchery #stupidpancreas #axcelsights #AAEProblade #t1dlookslikeme #diabeteslookslikeme