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Kalau kalian benar-benar serius dan mau memulai hidup sehat, kalian wajib mencoba 6 tips dasar diatas
Insya Allah ini akan membantu kamu membuat perubahan! Karena semua yang kita inginkan itu berawal dari mengubah kebiasaan kita terlebih dahulu
Yg mau hidup sehat dan Berat Badan turun 5-15 Kg dalam sekali program hubungi aku ya kak
Konsultasi GRATIS baca biodata di profil kami yah
We’ve been taught that you can’t lose weight eating simple carbs. White bread, pasta, potatoes, white rice…they’re all off limits. You know, “bad carbs.” But why?
If we look at these all from a macronutrient standpoint, they’re quite similar. If your ultimate goal is weight loss, calories are king. And from a caloric standpoint, it truly doesn’t matter which you choose. Either option is virtually the same.
Fiber is one of the main reasons that the right side of this graphic is recommended for weight loss. Since they all contain slightly more fiber, they MIGHT be more filling for you. Honestly, a difference of 2-3g fiber is quite small, but it’s all very much relative- it might make a difference for you. Some might find brown rice more filling than white rice, while others won’t notice the difference.
It all comes down to individual preference at the end of the day. Me personally, I love white rice and I’ll choose it over brown rice every day. But on the other hand, I prefer sweet potatoes to regular potatoes. It’s just my preference. Some people will say you shouldn’t consume white bread because it’s highly processed (that’s how they get it white after all), or that regular pasta shouldn’t be consumed because of the higher glycemic index. But these things might not be as big a deal for you!
If you goal is weight loss, you CAN eat carbs. Yes, even the so-called “bad” carbs. At the end of the day, it’s a matter of what you prefer to eat, and how much of it you choose to eat. I promise, if you love pasta, you can fit it into your diet and still lose weight. The type of carb it is won’t magically prevent you from losing weight.
Please note that the exact calories and macronutrients might vary based on brand, but I did choose to compare the same brand for each food to remain consistent.
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Spinach and Kale, two of my least favorite foods on the planet and I think it is disrespectful to real food to actually call these monstrosities food. They are nutritional aids at best and that’s final. It’s very unfortunate that these two plants are some of the most nutritious consumables on the planet. .
Here’s the deal. I eat spinach as a food source maybe 2 times a year and I wouldn’t be caught dead eating kale. I think food is meant to be an enjoyable experience but I understand why vegetables are important which is why I try so hard to hide and incorporate vegetables into my meals. That being said, I believe leafy greens have no place in our meals (with some exceptions). They have horrible flavor and even worse texture and those are the two biggest contributors to what makes a food great. 99% of my leafy green consumption is in the form of a shake. I don’t look at it as a food but as a nutritional supplement of sorts. If you struggle eating leafy greens, I suggest giving this a shot.
Kale seems to be the favorite child of the social media world. It’s hard to say that it is better than spinach though, they are different and both have favorable qualities. A combination of both kale and spinach is likely the best option in order to gain nutritional diversification. Kale has some advantages over spinach but that doesn’t mean spinach is low in those areas and vise versa. .
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