digitalenomader bloggbedre ambisi blogg boligstyling brodogkorn glutenogmelkefri helseoglivsstil inspirasjon inspirasjonsguidennorge kamillenorge kosthold levlandlig matblogg matglede morshjemmebakte spisoppmaten styrkejenter vakrehjem markedsf matbloggsentralen sosialemedier fuckitandtravel frilansliv grunder kurs remotework skrivbedre skrivekurs skrivemaskinen glutenogmelkefri
Ice coffee and reading my book digitale nomader, editing and reading more. I really want to be done this week with the recording so that everyone who wants to have the book as audio can listen to it during the summer. I am really doing my best, even though I actually just want to go to the beach. I haven’t felt like having vacation for 7 years but now I can’t wait. Are you planning to listening to audio books this summer? .
#book #dendigitalenomade #digitalenomader #audioproduction #audiobook #reading #recording #millespeak #voartist #author #headphones #freelancer #freelancelife #traveldeeper #remotework #womenentrepreneurs #wearetravellers #fuckitandtravel #travelmore #mystorie #mytraveldiary #inspiration #studiotime #doyourtravel #worldtravel #globetrotter #seemore #locationindependant
Ready to launch our book Digitale Nomader. Here We come .
#traveldeeper #gotravel #bookrelease #digitalenomader #dendigitalenomade #digitalnomads #locationindependent #freelancer #entrepreneurship #writer #author #wearetravellers #kidswhotravel #fuckitandtravel #livealifeyouwillremember #sohonomads #remotelife #freedom #backpackers #globetrotters
I could get use to this. Signing books and throwing parties. The best thing about having a rooftop party was the people who came. It was such an amazing and lively crowd with the right energy and attitude. Which make me think that you get back exactly what you put out in the world. If you show people energy and inspire them that’s what you will attract .
#bookreleases #digitalenomader #book #digitalnomads #digitalnomadliving #remotelife #remotework #staycurious #traveldeeper #freelancer #womenentrepreneurs #writer #millespeak #traveller #globetrekker #locationindependent #fuckitandtravel #dendigitalenomade #podcaster #wearetravellers @soho_nomads #signingbooks #booksigning #livealifeyoulove #doyourtravel #publicspeaker
Hvor svineheldige har man lov at være? Vi udlever vores drøm, skal giftes i Ubud om kun to uger og inden længe bliver vi genforenet med de mennesker, der betyder alverden for os. Og i dag smager vi lidt på jetsetter-livet på smukke @wapadiumesidemen - et ophold vi har fået i bryllupsgave af vores endnu smukkere venner. Af hjertet TAK @chrisduster og @iamcasperbach ! -
Our wedding is in only 16 days and we can’t wait to be reunited with our friends and family. It means the world to us and we feel like the luckiest people in the world. Today we enjoy life to the fullest at this beautiful resort in Sidemen - which is our wedding gift from some of the most beautiful people we know. Thanks.
Last Night i Saw my husband again after 14 days In front of The computer non stop.❤️it’s really not an ideal situation but when you have a deadline on your second book (first book for this publisher ) this year for @politikensforlag its ok. He has been writing like crazy and at 6 pm last night it went out of our house and to the publisher and we went out to celebrate. Before we moved to Denmark Kristian said, I am only moving there if I am going to write books. 1 year down the road and two books later I think he has accomplished that and I am soooo proud of him, not only for writing them but to exceed his dreams to become an author. This is actually his 7 book the first 5 he wrote was in English and was fantasy books for teens and young adults . It’s hard work to write books when you also have a full time freelance business to run, but not the less possible. Our book Digitale Nomader is available for everyone who needs some inspiration on their lifestyle. Link in bio. I have my husband back now and I can’t wait to go out in the world again. My son said this morning just when he opened his eyes “mom I really need to go travel in the world now”. Yes you do and yes we will. .
#authorlife #author #myauthor #writer #freelancer #publish #celebrating #liveyourdreams #remotework #traveldeeper #staycurious #freelancer #womenentrepreneurs #gotravel #fuckitandtravel #mikkespeak #dendigitalenomade #podcaster #digitalenomader #remotework #wanderlusts #globetrekker #voice&writing #speakerlife #publicspeaker #journalist #science
Ohh my. This was The most fantastic evening. This photo was just taken before loads of people came to celebrate our book. Thanks so much to everybody who came. ;) we had a awesome night who ended under Ryparken where Humle gave up. Swipe too see and thanks for our hero friend @danbruun who picked us up and drove us home. .
#bookreception #newbookrelease #sohonomads #rooftop #nomadedigitale #digitalenomader #digitalnomads #traveldeeper #locationindependent #dendigitalenomade #gotravel #remotework #staycurious #freelancer #womenentrepreneurs Tak TIL @rikkebruuns @merle_danse_mus @hyllefis for de flotte kager. Og tak til @soho_nomads for at hoste os.
I just love this picture. So much enthusiasm and energy. This is my family and we are travelers . You wanna travel and work at the same time too? You can get inspiration in my book and hands on tips. Link in bio
#bookrelease #kidswhotravel @soho_nomads #traveldeeper #remotework #staycurious #freelancer #womenentrepreneurs #aroundtheworld #publicspeaker #digitalenomader #digitalnomadliving #kidsonthego #worldschooling #myfamily #voartist #drndigitalenomade #goexplore #betoomuch #traveller #fuckitandtravel #doyourtravel #book #party #travellingfamily
Jeg drømmer ofte om at gøre som @millemum som har hele kloden som sin kontorplads. Fra Sri Lanka til Syd Korea, fra Spanien til Cuba. Mille og hendes familie er digitale nomader og i ugens @elektronistadk podcast giver hun blandt andet tips til hvordan vi andre også kan blive det ☀️ #digitalnomads #digitalenomader #travel