digitallights 3dprinting addressableled arcades bars bedroomdecor bistros coffeshops coollightdisplays displays fusion360 ledhobby ledlights ledshow ledstrip lighting lounge mancave mancaveideas musicians nightclub partylights photography restaurants rgblights signs theatreroom flashforgeguider2s psychedelic electricskyled
Making of “ W i T H i N ” •
#makingof #artworkprocess #artistsoninstagram #helasharkas #growingartist #digitalphysical #artistinparis #newmediaart #newmediaartists #withinthisworld #paralelworld #anotherdimention #lifeofartists #digitalpractices #makeart2019 #lumieres #artfeautures #newaesthetic #trioart #digitalandphysical #digitallights #artificiallights #oneoutof3
**********UPDATE********** MARCH 21
The song turns out to be a new one named “On My Way”, not Different World. However, everything below still applies
Alan’s latest post supports our belief that the Different World Music Video will release next Friday, on the 15th of March.
The timer includes a countdown from 7300 minutes, which equals just over 5 days. The timer would end on March 15.
This theory is further supported by the text “OMW” on the top of the timer, and seen in Alan’s social banners.
When converted by A1Z26, it is 15-13-23. (O is the 15th letter, M is the 13th, W is the 23rd of the alphabet)
Remove the first 15 and 3, and 1-23 remains. This leaves “one, two, three” as seen in Alan’s banner as well. 1-23 concerts to “AW” (Alan’s initials)
*Thank you to @integrity__dclxvi for the AW 1-23 translation
We believe this will also encompass the deluxe edition, potentially including songs such as Heading Home. Check our older posts for more details on these topics!
#differentworld #omw #march15 #headinghome #differentworlddeluxe #alanwalker #alanwalkertheories #createadifferentworld #worldofwalker #givemehope #digitallights #SoManyHashtags
Sometimes when you have works out better.
#lighting #ledlights #rgblights #dj #photography#lounge #nightclub#addressableled #theatreroom #digitallights#ledshow#ledstrip#bedroomdecor #ledhobby#coollightdisplays#fusion360#3dprinting #psychedelic#bars#bistros#restaurants#coffeshops#arcades#signs#displays#musicians#partylights #mancaveideas #mancave
@flash.rainbow #lighting #ledlights #rgblights #dj #photography #nightclub#addressableled #loveit#instafolloe#digitallights#ledshow#ledstrip#ledsignboard#ledhobby#electricskyled#coollightdisplays#fusion360#3dprinting #flashforgeguider2s#bars#bistros#restaurants#coffeshops#arcades#signs#displays#musicians#partylights #mancaveideas #mancave
@flash.rainbow #lighting #ledlights #rgblights #dj #photography #nightclub#addressableled #loveit#instafolloe#digitallights#ledshow#ledstrip#ledsignboard#ledhobby#electricskyled#coollightdisplays#fusion360#3dprinting #flashforgeguider2s#bars#bistros#restaurants#coffeshops#arcades#signs#displays#musicians#partylights #mancaveideas #mancave