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in·de·pend·ent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ adjective 1. Free from outside control; not depending on another's authority. 2. Not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. noun 1. An independent person or body. • • • #amputee #amputeegirl #survivor #survive #disabledgirl #disabled #stronggirl #superwoman #wonderwoman #oneleg #crutch #crutching

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Light a fire... then be the one who keeps it burningAmped Up⭐ #limblossawareness @socket_socks @sidestix #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #crutchlife #oneleg #oneleggedgirl #crutches #femaleamputee #disabledgirl #disability #amputation #leg #life #love #active #girl

Hashtags for theme #DISABLEDGIRL

I feel like an octopus with all these legs... You know the feeling girls when you get home after a long day and you get your bra off? Well that's me with my leg but times it by ten!! Everything is X by ten these days but that's just #amputeelife. I get asked what's easier, prosthesis, crutches or wheelchair... Well really, they all have their place. They're all easier in one way or another because they serve me for a specific purpose at a specific time. I've been out all day so have been in my leg for hours but didn't make it home without having to get it off because of a rub through in a very soft spot! but there's nothing quite like the feeling of being comfortable either in my wheelchair or on my crutches at home with my animals after a full day. I also get asked what it's like loosing a leg at 51. Well without a doubt there's challenges but I meet them head on as they arise and take one day at a time! Have you ever seen a chameleon change colour depending on their circumstance? They adapt and change, they don't ask why or they don't complain that it's too hard. They just do it. So if a little lizard can do it then so can I. I also get asked is my life still good and I say to that, "My life is awesome" #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #crutchlife #oneleg #oneleggedgirl #crutches #femaleamputee #disabledgirl #disability #amputation #leg #life #love #active #byronbay

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Well I got fitted with my definitive socket today! It's my 5th socket since my amputation 7 months ago, a revo adjustable fit, so to be comfortably mobile again is an unexplainable feeling! Thanks a million to @northernprosthetics for your second to none workmanship I attribute a large part of my success to this amazing team!! So here's to comfortable early morning walks and mixing it with society and just being on my "feet" again #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #crutchlife #oneleg #oneleggedgirl #crutches #life #love #active #byronbay #disability #amputation #leg #disabledgirl #femaleamputee #crps

Hashtags for theme #DISABLEDGIRL

Cierpliwość jest gorzka, ale jej owoc jest słodki.  BĄDŹ CIERPLIWA- powtarzam sobie w głowie jak mantrę. Gdybym miała wyznaczyć plus swojej sytuacji to bez wątpienia każdego dnia dostaje lekcje cierpliwości i na pewno uczy mnie pokory do własnego ciała. Chociaż trudno mi trzymać emocje na wodzy, zwlaszcza te negatywne to im bardziej staram się je od siebie odsunąć tym wszystko idzie lepiej. Pierwszy trening na siłowni był dla mnie ogromnym stresem, ciało nie zawsze ze mną współpracowało i od razu karało bólem. Dziś postanowiłam po prostu skupiać się na wykonywanym ruchu i przede wszystkim wykonać wszystko ze spokojem w głowie- wszystko od razu szło lepiej. Nie ukrywam,że ciężko mi patrzeć na to jak ruchy, które kiedyś ( mimo był prosty dziś wymaga ode mnie dużego wysiłku i skupienia. Ogrom pracy przede mną Zrobie wszystko co w mojej mocy. #walczeozdrowie #walczeosiebie #niepełnosprawnakobieta #siładowalki #siłajestkobietą #jestemsilna #nigdysięniepoddawaj #mogewszystko #cierpliwość #pokora #kochamćwiczyć #ćwiczędlazdrowia #siłownia #trening #instadziewczyna #polskadziewczyna #spacer #dlugadroga #disabled #disabledgirl #staystrong #walk #strongwomen #mylife #myfight #nevergiveup #playhard #powergirl #

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My story is featured in the "That's life" magazine today here in Australia I'm hoping someone can be encouraged to not give up if they are in a similar situation to me. If I can help someone else, I've won⭐ #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #crutchlife #oneleg #crutches #crps #byronbay #disabledgirl

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❤️❤️❤️ #highheels#warsaw#oldtown#polishgirl#girl#whitedress#legs#legsfordays#blonde#blondegirl#smilegirl#makeup#longhair#eyes#redlips#warsawlife#disabledgirl#wheelchairgirl#outfitoftheday#outfit

Hashtags for theme #DISABLEDGIRL

Adelaide... where one journey finished and another one started. Where a doctor finally listened to me and freed me from an impossible situation...I'm back to see my surgeon after 7 months because 3 days after my op back in June my stitches burst inside and out during the night. Because I was full of nerve blocks, I didn't feel it but the next morning when my surgeon came in to see me, he took the dressings off and there it was... all opened up inside and out! He had to act quickly of course so he gave me a few local anesthetics on the inside into the muscle and started stitching.. Because of having to pull everything together as quickly as possible, I've healed with a crease that runs down the back of my thigh from my scar that is getting deeper the longer I'm in a socket so for that reason I'm back for a couple of appointments. I've only had my new socket for 2 days and the only way to get used to it is to WALK!! And walk and walk... Ever had a new pair of shoes that hurt like hell when you first got them but you loved them so much you just ignored the pain till you wore them in? Right. That's my situation, but times it by ten!! So I started off walking but after about 6 hours it had to come off and I finished the day on crutches. It doesn't matter what you have to do to move forward, just do it. Do whatever it takes to secure your mobility. Push hard, but not too hard that it undoes any progress that's been made. I find it difficult to strike that balance As awesome as it is to be walking again, man it feels good to get that leg off at the end of the day!! Just do whatever it takes because life is worth it. I'm putting the effort in now so I can take shortcuts later, so I can get back what I lost and more. No one can do it for me. If I want it, I have to go get it and get it I will #adelaide #prostheticleg #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #crps #oneleggedgirl #crutches #femaleamputee #disabledgirl #disability #amputation #leg #life #love #crutchlife #oneleg

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A tweaking of my definitive socket... I've had a few issues with rub through so haven't been able to do my walks like I've wanted to but after some brainstorming from my prothsetist I think the problem may be solved!! It's vital to have a good team when dealing with prothestics, our mobility will only be as good as the socket!! Thanks to my team for getting me to the place I want to be in such a short period of time. Onward and upward #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeelife #prostheticleg #crps #byronbay #disabledgirl #disability #amputation #leg #crutchlife #oneleg #oneleggedgirl #crutches #femaleamputee

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