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#Repost @gatekeeper_media
Big shoutout to @hyzerjose for attacking hole 10 during the final round of the 2019 303 Open. Congrats on the sweet #discgolface .
Powered by:
@millenniumgolfdiscs .
#discgolf #pdga #303open #denvercolorado #gatekeepermedia #shoutout #shoutoutdiscgolf #discgolfshoutout #ace #acediscgolf #discgolface #holeinone #fieldace #throwitin #letsgo #hyzerjose #DiscGolfEveryday #discgolflife #discgolfislife #DiscGolfnation #discgolfer #LDGC #LondonDGC #LondonDiscGolfCommunity
Today was special. I started an initative with a few local schools, to introduce disc golf to several of their students. Pretty awesome both to see the smiles on the smile on their faces, and to be able to introduce the sport to kids. ・・・
#Repost @teamnordisc ・・・
I dag har jeg lært bort diskgolf på 2 skoler, til 5 klasser og en haug med unger. Takk til Rommen Skole og Grorud Skole for muligheten, og @stovnerfrisbee for hjelpen. #Nordisc #diskgolf #diskgolfforalle #frisbeegolfforalle #discgolf #frisbeegolfnorge #frisbeegolf #gothrow #growthesport #discgolflife #discgolfeveryday #TeamTrilogy #teamnbdg #naturalborndiscgolfer #latitude64 #DynamicDiscs #WestsideDiscs
Another banger BB8
#discgolf #discgolfdye #customdye #customdiscs #custom #andidyes #chillidiscgolf #chillidiscgolflatvia #cdg #dyeart #discgolfshoutouts #discgolfeveryday #discporn #innovadiscgolf #dyeline #prodigydisc #discmania #kastaplast #axiomdiscs #mvpdiscs #discraftdiscs
#discdye #discdyes #dynamicdiscs #westsidediscs #trilogydiscs
L64 Gold Fuse
Here is one way to hypnotize people on the course
#discgolf #discgolfdye #customdye #customdiscs #custom #andidyes #chillidiscgolf #chillidiscgolflatvia #cdg #dyeart #discgolfshoutouts #discgolfeveryday #discporn #innovadiscgolf #dyeline #prodigydisc #discmania #kastaplast #axiomdiscs #mvpdiscs #discraftdiscs
#discdye #discdyes #dynamicdiscs #westsidediscs #trilogydiscs
Are you kidding me?!?! The one and only @simon_lizotte
#discgolf #discgolflife #dudeclothing #growthesport #frisbeegolf #teaminnova #ultimatefrisbee #innovadiscs #pdga #playdiscgolf #frisbee #discgolfshoutouts #disclife #discgolflife #discgolfbaskets #discgolfeveryday #discgolfnation #discgolfdaily #discgolfersunited #discgolflove #adidasoutdoor #bangchains #disctherapy #discgolf4life #udisc #discgolfer #discgolfing #gothrow