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New hello kitty prints available!
Grab yours tonight and enjoy free shipping!
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Mau kelihatan lain daripada yg lain? Disney clutch ini pasti bakalan bikin kalian jadi centre of attention deh dijamin ⠀
Pengen punya barang yg GA DIJUAL DI INDONESIA Gampang! Belanja dari luar negeri aja! ✈⠀
1⃣ Cari produknya langsung di website asalnya (misal amazon, ebay, zappos, footlocker, dan masih banyak lagi website USA lainnya, atau googling aja)⠀
2⃣ Chat Customer Service kita ke Line atau WA berikut utk menghitung harga final sampai Indo:⠀
Line: @gudangimpor (pakai @)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
WA: 0816 66 00 66⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
3⃣ Kalau cocok langsung order via Customer Service jg ya kak. Order diproses dan akan dikirim EXPRESS! Cepet sampainya! gampang kan ⠀
Galeri Ready Stock:⠀
visit @goorita.inc⠀
Happy Fourth from us!
#malayahs #evieslittlebow #toddler #toddlerpurses #handmade #smallahops #dinseypurse #disneyclutch #babybows #handmadebows #theonlytoddlerpurse #oneofakindpurse #kidsaccesories #toddlerpursesets #littlemermaidpurse #leatherpurses #leatherbows #mommade #mickey #minnie #flamingoprints #unicornprints #mermaidprints #malayahsdesign #malayahsshop #malayahskimonos #malayahspurses #feltbows
Hey guys! I am still looking for brand reps! Ends August 1st! Please spread the word.
#malayahs #evieslittlebow #toddler #toddlerpurses #handmade #smallahops #dinseypurse #disneyclutch #babybows #handmadebows #theonlytoddlerpurse #oneofakindpurse #kidsaccesories #toddlerpursesets #littlemermaidpurse #leatherpurses #leatherbows #mommade #mickey #minnie #flamingoprints #unicornprints #mermaidprints #malayahsdesign #malayahsshop #malayahskimonos #malayahspurses #feltbows