doingcoolshit coolshit innocent exonerated exoneree innocencenetwork justice wrongfullyconvicted greatpeople innocence justicechampions wrongfulconvictions rightingwrongfulconvictions friendsoffrank areyoufree freedom happiness love childhood children cute illinois music photography proveninnocent badromance bhfyp togetherwithme togetherwithmetheseries tulmaxspain exonerated
• still floating with pride and so much love for these amazing women whom I was honored to share the stage with last night, speaking on art, politics, culture, ethics and the importance of authenticity in creating. Thank you @mahaalasaker for having me! It was a full-house of such enthusiastic humans that made the discussion get so deep and personal so fast lol! Loved every moment
Be sure to check out Maha's photo book on Women of Kuwait! @womenofkuwait
#razanalsarraf #ludlowhouse #womenofkuwait #paneldiscussion #arabwomen #doingcoolshit #arabpride #kuwait #nyc #nycart #painting #poet #photographer #designer #love #hehe
Today marks 4 years since I got out of prison, my conviction vacated. Doesn't feel like it's been that long. Since release, I've been fortunate in many ways. I've found an amazing extended family of exonerees and justice champions; I've enjoyed time with my family, especially getting to spend Christmas with my mom and grandparents; I've met a lot of great and cool people; created a music TV show; worked on a network tv show; gone to lots of awesome concerts; went to Ireland; and so much more. I'm involved in the fight against wrongful convictions, have many projects I'm working on, and try to make a difference. The road ahead looks clear. More good things on the horizon. I'm just getting started. Thank you to all my friends, and family. I love you all. LIVE WILDER. #wrongfullyconvicted #wrongfulconvictions #XONR8 #justice #freedom #innocent #innocencenetwork #innocence #justicechampions #coolshit #doingcoolshit #rightingwrongfulconvictions #friendsoffrank #exoneree #exonerated #greatpeople #coolpeople #music #art #family #friends
LONG OVERDUE TBT!! Circa-1997 (22 years ago) MTV's Road Rules, season #4. Here's to much simpler times. Back when I was a complicated and naive 18 year old. Back to when reality TV was unscripted and an entertaining novelty. Back to when all that mattered was getting along. Back to when traveling in both a Winnebago and a sailboat, all over the country and across the Caribbean, was our life. Back to when the drama was secondary to doing really cool fucking shit. Back to when we had to find clues, complete crazy-ass missions, survive it all, be brutally authentic about our personalities, try not get kicked off the dammed production and have it all filmed and documented for the 4th season of a dope fucking reality show on MTV called, Road Rules. All in hopes to win a "handsome reward" at the end of our journey, which we did, btw. Lol! This is the story of 5 young and complete strangers (Erika, Kalle, Vince, Jake and myself), from different parts of the US and Puerto Rico, that got chosen and thrown into this awesome scenario! What can possibly go wrong? What can possibly go right? Well, just about everything!! "Throw out your rules, these are road rules" (I've always loved that friggin' line!! Lol!! ). Its been over 20 years since this little bookmark in our lives!! Cheers to us!! #tbt #longoverdue #funlife #mtv #roadrules #roadrulesseason4 #roadrulesislands #therealworld #therealworldroadruleschallenge #bunnimmurray #documentaries #traveling #doingrealshit #doingcoolshit #22yearsago #beingyoung #mylife #my15minutes #grateful #blessed #wishicoulddoitalloveragain #Realitytv #doingfunshit #igotstories