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❤ #dolphins #dolphinassistedtherapy #dolphinarium #moscow #diving #swimwithdolphins #amazingday #beautifulplace #дельфинарий #дельфинарийвмоскве #мосаквариум #дельфинотерапия #дельфины #москва #плаваниесдельфинами #плавание #вднх #деньрождения #праздник #восторг #радость #счастье #эмоциичерезкрай #подарок #удивительноерядом #девочкитакиедевочки #волшебство #сюрприз #ятольколучше #лучшиедетистраны
"Как хочу так и отдыхаю! " А вы как расслабляетесь?)) Макс любит сложиться в позу "лотоса"-даже лежа)), даже лежа на воде и слушая сонары нашего волшебного дельфина-терапевта Дэйвы.
#дельфинотерапиянабали #Дельфинотерапия #бали #lovina #ловина #севербали #Макс #чтоделатьнабали #маленькийбудда #реабилитациядцп #лечениедцп #cp #dolphinassistedtherapy #bali #релакс #расслабься #relax #balirehab
❤ #dolphins #dolphinassistedtherapy #dolphinarium #moscow #diving #swimwithdolphins #amazingday #beautifulplace #дельфинарий #дельфинарийвмоскве #мосаквариум #дельфинотерапия #дельфины #москва #плаваниесдельфинами #плавание #вднх #праздник #восторг #радость #счастье #эмоциичерезкрай #подарок #удивительноерядом #девочкитакиедевочки #волшебство #сюрприз #ятольколучше #лучшиедетистраны
Mother & daughter #AnimalAssistedTherapy #children #veterans #joy #military #Downsyndrome #CerebalPalsy #RareDisease #cancer #PTSD #magical #FamilyVacationAccessible #MarineScienceEducation #Internship #AssistedTechnology #EarlyIntervention #Laughter #Fonzie #Illness #Aspergers #Autusmfamily #specialneedsmom #specialneedskids #specialneedssiblings #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsnetwork #dolphinassistedtherapy #marinemammals #keylargo #flakeys
Dolphin-Assisted Therapy has become a lucrative business over the past few years and presents a serious threat to the welfare of dolphins in that it creates further captures, trade, and captive breeding of dolphins worldwide. Furthermore, it takes advantage of desperate and vulnerable parents who readily pay large sums of money to give their ill or disabled children what the billion-dollar dolphin captivity industry advertises as a life-enhancing dolphin experience.
There is no scientific evidence to substantiate the claim that spending time in a tank or sea enclosure with dolphins has a healing effect on ill and disabled people. The issue of using dolphins as a tool to obtain a feel-good experience is not one of science, but of ethics: It is inherently hypocritical to capture and confine dolphins — thereby destroying the quality of their lives — in an attempt to enhance our own.
It is hardly surprising that dolphins used in swim programs have demonstrated agitated and aggressive behaviors under the stressful conditions of confinement and forced interactions with people. These behaviors have resulted in injury to swimmers. There are accounts of human injuries in the form of lacerations, tooth rakes, internal injuries, broken bones, and shock. As a matter of fact, the decision to put an end to the television series Flipper was in large part based on the fact that it became too dangerous for the actors to be in the water with the dolphins. Needless to say, a 3-400 pound frustrated animal can cause serious injury to a human being.
Dolphin-Assisted Therapy is bad for dolphins and bad for patients. It is a scam that brings in huge amounts of money; it is bad for dolphins that are confined to captivity separated from their freedom and their loved ones, and it is bad for patients and their families who are getting soaked in more ways than one.
Reposted from freedomforwhales (tumblr).
I can’t live...
...if living is without you
I can’t live...
...I can’t give anymore ❤️❤️❤️
So happy to be at home #melkahotel
So happy to be in #lovina
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