dominiccooper preacher amandaseyfried merylstreep juliewalters lilyjames mammamia abba jessecuster christinebaranski piercebrosnan cher colinfirth cassidy joegilgun mammamia2 stellanskarsgard jeremyirvine jessicakeenanwynn joshdylan tulip anotherperiod collection comicbooks comics donnasheridan drspeaks forgive herewegoagain
The Duchess (2008) -
Ok.. So I may have gone overload on 10 stills here, buttt just look how stunning! #keiraknightley is so lucky to have been able to wear such beautiful costumes in her period dramas. -
#theduchess #18thcentury #18thcenturyfashion #keiraknightley #dominiccooper #hayleyatwell #ralphfiennes #periodromance #perioddrama
"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time" ❤️
#MammaMia #SlippingThroughMyFingers #MammaMia2 #MammaMiaHereWeGoAgain #AmandaSeyfried #DominicCooper #MerylStreep #LilyJames #DonnaSheridan #PierceBrosnan #JeremyIrvine #SamCarmichael #StellanSkarsgård #JoshDylan #BillAnderson #ColinFirth #HughSkinner #HarryBright #ChristineBaranski #JessicaKeenanWynn #TanyaCheshamLeigh #JulieWalters #AlexaDavies #RosieMulligan #Cher #Ruby #AndyGarcia #SeñorCinfuegos #MammaMiaMovie #Kalokairi