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Need blood for surgery in Mexico? You're expected to solicit donations to cover your use! Three times during screening steps this morning and was asked who my donation was for, and "whoever needs it" an unexpected answer. Sweetest memory: a window into the graciousness of Mexican culture, where every time hospital staff passed through the waiting room they offered "buenos dias" with a smile -- returned in a warm chorus by a capacity crowd. ~
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This might be my favorite photo from the Transformation Collection! Speaking of transformation... What are you trying to transform in your life or work on? .
I want to be better about donating blood since my blood type is O-, the universal donor and can be used in trauma situations or for babies. It’s something that is relatively easy for me to do and it makes me feel good! I donated to @americanredcross today and will again every 8 weeks or so. .
. ✨Beautiful replica skull by @crimsonrichdesire ✨
•Original artwork © Spellbound, LLC. 2019. All rights reserved• ✨
How is everyone doing? I miss the interaction with you all, but I have been able to reduce well my time here and my research has improved. Just did a presentation this week and have another one next month! However, I took sometime of Sunday for an important thing - donating blood! Tried to pick a theme appropriate shirt! lol ・
LET'S DONATE BLOOD!!! Donating blood is important and I do it everytime I can. It’s a small act that you can do 2 to 3 times a year that can save a life. It’s a way to connect and support someone in need even though you don’t know the person.
My blood type is O-negative, known as the universal donor type because it is compatible with any blood type. I take this seriously and think every one should try to donate if they can. It is a very simple and easy way to help others! -
- 旅行の写真の投稿は社会貢献に関する臨時投稿によって中断する。- 献血に行きましょう!! 献血することがとても大事で、私はできるだけしている。献血することによって誰かの命を救える。何人かを助ける行為になるし、ニーズがある人と知らず繋がれる行為になる。
私の血型はO(Rh-)。RhマイナスのO型は、誰にでも輸血することができる万能な血液型である。 だから、そのような社会貢献をまじめにしている。他人を手伝えるために、簡単なことですから、献血しましょう! -
・ ・
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#献血 #献血ルーム #献血したからやさしくしてね #広げよう献血の輪 #広めよう献血の輪 #献血ルーム池袋ぶらっと #血型 #O型 #O型男子 #万能供血者 #おしゃれ男子 #男子服 #スーツで #ネクタイ #社会貢献
Repost Australian resident James Harrison donated his blood every few weeks for 56 years from the age of 18. According to doctors, Harrison managed to save the lives of 2.2 million children.
A good example in the #WorldBloodDonorDay2017, is not it? ❤ #jamesharrison #australia #worldblooddonorday #donateblood #donate #donated #blood #bloody #blood #donor #donors #giveblood #savinglives #savelife #helping #donatebloodsavelives #blooddonation #blooddonor #charity #foundation #fund #StAndrew #ukraine #charitymiles #charityride #charityday #health #healthy