donatehairforcancer donatehair hairdonation haircut chopitoff coupedecheveux shorthair wigsforkids coupecarr jrcoiffure lutteducancer itgrowsback locksoflove wigsforkidsdonation 8or8 beautifullengths byebyehair canadiancancersociety choptoyourchin cutmyhair cwhl cwhl_org donateyourhair donateyourlocks donatinghair hairtospare hairweshare itsjusthair littleprincesstrust longtoshort donateyourlocks
We’re loving this before and after photo from @oldtownhaircompany and the beautiful 29” hair donation! We’re so thankful for our donors! ❤️ #WigsForKids #ThankfulThursday
#donatehair #donatehairforcancer #donateyourhair #thankful #wigsforkidsdonation #donation #donationsneeded #wigsforcancer #wigsforalopecia #haircut #longtoshorthair #haircutsformen #charity #charityhaircut #wigsforkidsdonor
It's hotter (by 15°f!!!) in Paris than it was last week in the Serengeti. So, I made a 13inch donation to cancer patients in France. . I hope this inspires someone else to make a similar donation. .
#itstoohot #haircut #woltersworld #travelfamily #familytravel #takethekids #travelwithkids #traveler #womenwhotravel #seetheworld #showthemtheworld #travel #travelvlog #traveleurope #paris #tonyandguy #18tharrondissement #donatehair #donatehairforcancer #heatwave #cancer #fightagainstcancer #kickcancersbutt
For our 200th post we would love to feature @ellieechaffeyx who donated #24inches of her long blonde hair to @littleprincesstrust ! ✂️❤️♀️ If you are interested in donating or know someone who might be interested, feel free to send us a direct message! We’re here to help you through the process for FREE •
#wigs4kids #wigsforkids #wigsforkidsdonation #canadiancancersociety #pantenebeautifullengths #snipsnip #shorthair #donatehair #donatinghair #donateyourlocks #donatehairforcancer #hairdonation #haircut #longtoshort #locksoflove #littleprincesstrust #cwhl #cutmyhair #chopitoff #choptoyourchin #cwhl_org #byebyehair #itsjusthair #itgrowsback #8or8 #beautifullengths #hairtospare #hairweshare
I made the brave decision to donate almost 30cm of my hair to @officiallittleprincesstrust to make free wigs for children who lose their hair through cancer and other illnesses .
I grew my hair so i can be part of this. Things that we consider insignificant, can change someone else’s life for the better, then why don’t we do it? I’m fortunate enough to be able to grow my hair more and i hope it makes whichever a little princess who receives it, feel happy and pretty♀️✨ .
Thank you so much to @sistershairstudio for helping me cutting my hair ♀️, it’s so different but i really love it❤️ Well that’s all, my hair is chopped & ready to be sent to Little Princess Trust.
And also thank you @mmehuillet for making it possible, my hair is on the way to you♀ .
Last, for those girls who still complain about your hair, be grateful for everything. Not everyone gets the chance to have the things that you have right now ✨✨ #littleprincesstrust #donatehairforcancer #BlessedJune #firsttimeofmylife #gratefullness
قصه زدن موهام بر میگرده به حمایت از همین فرشته هــای
مبتلا به سرطان
حالا میخــوامــ دعوتتون کنمـ
به یه حمایت دســته جمــعی
آخر همین هفته ،پنجشنبه۲۶
اردیبهشت از افطار تا سحــــر
بازارچه “کَســــا”به نفع همین
اصفهان ،نظر شرقی حدفاصل تالار اندیشه و ۴راه توحیدازساعتـــــ ۱۸
تا سحر ✨
ببینمتونآاا .
با حضور و همدلی اعضا #خانه_رويش_مهرگان .
The stunning @lizkarol.p just donated #20inches of her long dark hair to @locksofloveofficial !✂️❤️♀️ If you are interested in donating or know someone who might be interested, feel free to send us a direct message! We’re here to help you through the process for FREE @locksoflovefund @locksoflovehairdonation •
#wigs4kids #wigsforkids #wigsforkidsdonation #canadiancancersociety #pantenebeautifullengths #snipsnip #shorthair #donatehair #donatinghair #donateyourlocks #donatehairforcancer #hairdonation #haircut #longtoshort #locksoflove #littleprincesstrust #cwhl #cutmyhair #chopitoff #choptoyourchin #cwhl_org #byebyehair #itsjusthair #itgrowsback #8or8 #beautifullengths #hairtospare #hairweshare
Avete mai pensato che la vostra “folta chioma”, fatta crescere amorevolmente per mesi/anni, potrebbe aiutare qualcuno malato di cancro?
Durante uno dei miei controlli ospedalieri ho potuto vedere da vicino (purtroppo) la realtà dei tumori infantili ed è ciò che mi ha fatto prendere questa decisione.
Per la prima volta dopo tanti anni tra ricoveri e terapie varie mi sono resa conto che, nonostante tutto, io entro in ospedale ogni volta con la certezza di uscirne (più o meno a “rattoppata” ma comunque sicura di tornare a casa) , ma non è così per tutti purtroppo e quando si parla di bambini questa mancanza di certezza diventa (se possibile) ancora più drammatica.
Nel mio piccolo, ci tenevo a fare qualcosa di “concreto” e così ho deciso di donare i miei capelli e di raccontare la mia esperienza.
Non cerco complimenti, non l’ho fatto per questo, spero semplicemente di aver fornito il giusto spunto a qualcuno, o almeno qualche idea a chi desidera fare qualcosa.
Ho aspettato 4 anni per avere la lunghezza giusta (li avevo cortissimi quando mi sono decisa) ma ne è sicuramente valsa la pena!
Mi ci è voluto un po’ per trovare un’associazione che facesse al caso mio ( ) ma fortunatamente ci ho messo molto meno a trovare un professionista con cui condividere la mia scelta ( @ayra_salon_official , uno staff davvero splendido e disponibilissimo; persone che hanno condiviso il mio progetto con lo stesso entusiasmo). Naturalmente sono a disposizione se qualcuno avesse domande/curiosità su modalità e/o contatti vari .
#donatehair #donateyourhair #donatehairforcancer #hairforkids #wigsforkids
I'm very proud to be one of the ambassador and volunteer of Hair Crown.Hair Crown is a international hair donation programme for cancer patients.Let us sow the seeds of their happiness! Donate your hair for cancer patients and feel proud of yourself! Be someone's answered prayers ❤
Join now in this noble cause to build self confudence!
I'm one of the volunteer!
When will be your turn?
Do follow the official instagram page of this NGO Company :@donate_at_haircrown
As a support, I challenge:
@rao.ind @lava_nyaa @nigirnthan_surya @the_hanfarhan @ramyansk @vaishnaviprasadofficial @malaysia__rj_arivu @surren26 @nithya_dheju @balaganapathiwilliam to make a video to promote this NGO Company!
#instagram #oviyaarmy #actor #entrepreneur #youthicon #instafamous #instagram #social #cancer #cancerpatient #donatehair #donatehairforcancer