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While at LA Comic-Con the @doob3d folks offered to make a mini Merrick!
. It's pretty awesome! Way better than I expected The art I did for my shirt even came out great!
My own action figure!!!!
#notanad #3dprinting #doob #dance #instapic #freestuffisawesome #figurine #3dmodel #comiccon #actionfigures
We were in the New York Times!!! Remember the giant peach cake I made a couple of years ago? Well, thanks to our trusty hashtags the @nytimes was running a story on the incredible @doob3d figures and wanted to include us and our peach cake in their article. Pretty freakin’ cool! If you haven’t checked out DOOB in SoHo you HAVE to visit their studio. It’s a wonderland of teeny little replicas of every walk of life. I’ve been ‘DOOB’ed 3 times and I can’t wait until I’m nice and pregnant to get another one. The detail on these are mind blowing #sugarmonster
استلمت يوم امس نسخة مصغرة مني بتقنية الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد،، شكراً جزيلاً لأسرة دوب - البحرين لهذه الدعوة اللطيفة! الجدير بالذكر ان هذه التقنية في طباعة الأشخاص مستوردة من ألمانيا و تتفرد بها دوب بحرين في مجمع السيف / الطابق الاول! لديهم عروضات مغرية تستمر حتى نهاية الشهر الفضيل ❤️
Just received a 3D printed little version of me, which arrived to Bahrain all the way from Germany! thanks a lot to family for the generous invitation.
#3dprinting #doob #bahrain