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The more we disassociate ourselves from our natural environment and the more time we spend in places surrounded by electronic devices (especially the wireless ones) the more positive charge we absorb derived from the electromagnetic fields they generate, deteriorating our health and giving rise to a multitude of symptoms such as head, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, insomnia and a long etcetera.
The California Institute for Human Science recently demonstrated that reconnecting with the earth can restore the body's natural electrical balance.
Being grounded can mean two things:
1. Being fully present in your body and/or
2. Feeling connected to the earth.
Thankfully, there are grounding techniques with essential oils to help us get and stay rooted in our bodies:
•Clear your mind – stress away blend
•Recharge your energy – positive vibes blend
•Strengthen your instincts – peaceful connection blend
•Calm your emotions – on solid ground blend.
This weekend could be a good time to reconnect and align your energies with Mother Nature✨
For the past couple of weeks I have been battling #Temporomandibular #Joint #Syndrome, also known as TMJ.
In my specific case, the #Articular disc between the #Temporal bone and #Condyle was protruding (see external picture below where the protruding disc has raised the skin around my cheek bone). Some of the symptoms experienced were:
• Pain & tenderness of the jaw.
• Pain in one temporomandibular joint.
• Aching pain in and around ear.
• Radiating pain in head and down neck/shoulder.
• Difficulty/pain while chewing.
• Aching facial pain.
• Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open/close mouth.
If you too suffer from #TMJ, I have listed the treatment that I used to restore #Healing below:
➕ Apply roller ball protocol externally to jaw, behind ear, and up into #Suboccipital trigger points (base of neck). Roller ball Protocol - in a 10 mL roller ball, add the following:
• 10 drops #Copaiba
• 10 drops #Frankincense
• 10 drops #Lavender
• 10 drops #Peppermint
• Top with fractionated coconut oil (FCO)
➕ Wear a dental guard to bed at night (feels like wearing a retainer to bed). This is the one that I used: (see link in profile).
➕ Chiropractic Care
➕ Strengthening Exercises:
Here are two strengthening exercises:
• Place a thumb under your chin and push your chin downward against it. Continue opening the mouth against moderate force from your thumb, and then hold it open for 5-10 seconds.
• Open your mouth as wide as you comfortably can. Put your index finger between your chin and lower lip. Push inward while closing your mouth against the resistance.
If you have any questions along your path to healing, please feel free to reach out! I would L-O-V-E to join you on your journey!
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Growing up I remember my grandma talking about having spider veins and I never quite knew what she was talking about. ♀️
And of course we all get older and have that ‘Aha’ moment. I remember shaving the back of me legs and seeing an odd little line on the backside of my knee. It was one of those dreaded spider veins.
I whipped up this blend in a 2oz spray bottle. Add drops, top with FCO, and spray directly on areas and massage in gently.
7 drops Helichrysum
4 drops Balance
7 drops Aromatouch
5 drops Geranium
6 drops Cypress
3 drops Wintergreen
These oils are all extremely supportive of your veins and tissues and help to promote healthy circulation.
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Spring is on officially here which means so is SPRING CLEANING!
We have been knee deep in organizing, donating and deep cleaning the house...especially since we will be moving in about 6 months.
I noticed that I was feeling a bit congested yesterday after cleaning out closets and all the dust from the top of the closet.
Guys...get this in your diffuser!
4 drops Breathe
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Purify
Sneezing & temporary congestion was soothed
What is your favorite Spring Cleaning Diffuser Blend?
Allergy season here we come. .
Want to learn about a few oils to support seasonal threats? Here is a blend that my hubby and sweet baby Blake use every single day. .
In a roller bottle blend add 10 drops each Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint, then fill with fco. Roll down spine, back of neck, and bottoms of feet 3 times a day or as needed. For adults, take a small glass of water with a drop of each oil added and swallow. Do this as needed too. . Diffuse all day!! .
It amazing how oils can help with so many ailments in the home right? Who else loves this blend? Ps- link to get these rollers is in my insta story!
The seven oils
#doterra #essentialoils #doterraessentialoils #doterralove #doterralife #doterraoils #doterramom #doterraliving #naturalsolutions #wellness #doterralifestyle #aromatherapy #doterrafamily #essentialoil #doterrawellnessadvocate #holistic #natural #doterraaustralia #healthyliving #doterrabogo #holistichealth #health #wellnessadvocate
I'm often asked about the best DIY rollers to take when travelling and these are my favourites! Especially the Energy Protection literally saves me around large crowds!!
For an oil addict I actually don't take much with me as I like to pack light!! I'm often travelling for work so if I am desperate for a particular oil I know there is always someone around that has packed every single oil!!
My non-negotiables are Balance, Peace (my anxiety/stress/overwhelm oils), Frankincense (because it's good for everything + another instant calmer for me), Patchouli, Lavender, Ylang Ylang (because I wear them everyday along with Frankincense in my daily body moisturiser), Rose Touch (for my face), Lavender Peace (for bedtime), OG Hand Sanitiser (because public toilets and planes = germs) and Easy Air Drops and On Guard Throat Drops for the plane and also to keep my voice happy especially if I'm speaking!
Волшебная капля. Одна! капля на пол-литра воды и бодрота в вашем теле, а в голове зелёными листьями шуршит плантация лимонных деревьев...
Одна капля эфирного масла лимона - вот она моя магия утра.
Во-первых, масло должно иметь пищевой сертификат (это не про масла из аптеки за 100р).
Во-вторых, эту каплю масла нужно размешать в чайной ложке мёда, иначе терапевтического и вообще никакого смысла от утреннего зелья не будет, потому что эфирные масла не смешиваются с водой и не применяются в чистом виде, поэтому необходима такая медовая база, а уже потом вода.
Один аромат уже возбудит нервную систему, а дальше лимончик поработает изнутри. Конечно, как и в любом деле необходима системность, тогда будет и эффект.
Кстати, от воды с лимоном эффекта нет. Это просто вода с лимоном. Вкусная освещающая вода, не более)
Поделитесь, пожалуйста, как у вас отношения с эфирными маслами? Используете? И какие?
#healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #эфирныемасла #doterraoils #doterralife #doterraoils #stillifegallery
Temperature changes in April are a bit unpredictable, for a moment the day is beautiful with a radiant sun in the morning and suddenly a rain that comes from nothing forces you to take refuge at home and change planes
No, time has not gone crazy. It is that we are in the spring, the most fickle season of the year, where temperature changes are more frequent and faster
It's funny how we react when it rains - “ruined day” we say.
The point is that rainy days also have its charm, the sound of falling drops, watch as the sun overcomes the rain and opens the way to the rainbow representing the path of light and hope✨
Definitely an unique moment, try these blends to give a special touch to those rainy days and enjoy to the fullest a perfect moment of nature