downsyndrome autism autismawareness love specialneeds downsyndromeawareness inclusion adhd autismo autismspectrumdisorder instagood sensory sindromededown aspergers autismacceptance disability theluckyfew trisomy21 cromossomo21 cute dank happy kids morealikethandifferent photooftheday school trissomia21 abatherapy acceptance особенныедети
Não somos definidos pelos nossos sonhos, somos definidos pelo quanto lutamos e buscamos nos superar para conquistá-los. É preciso mais que sonhar para chegar em algum lugar e o maior segredo está em colher críticas boas e ruins e transformá-las em motivação, ouvir conselhos dos que têm experiência, aceitar ajuda quando não formos capazes de realizar algo por conta própria, ter humildade e principalmente gratidão. Acima de tudo precisamos ser gratos a Deus porque nada na nossa vida acontece sem a permissão e intervenção dEle, e ainda bem! Só Ele sabe cuidar de nós, só Ele nos conhece tão bem ao ponto de nos dar mais do que queremos: Ele nos dá o que precisamos! Por isso hoje o que mais tenho vontade de dizer é Obrigada Jesus, por me permitir essa caminhada e por estar comigo, cuidando de mim e me orientando a ser sempre um motivo de inspiração para que as pessoas acreditem em si mesmas como o Senhor acredita em nós! Obrigada por cuidar de tudo de uma forma que só o Senhor pode cuidar ♥
Ph: @brunoromaofoto .
#juntossomosmaisfortes #love #smile #downsyndromegirl #downsyndromemodel #downsyndromerocks #downsyndromelove #acessibility #rj #brazil #modelobrasileira #modelosindromededown #photooftheday #joy #dream #faith #criançasespeciais #amorsindromededown #inclusãosocial #trissomia21 #cromossomo21 #inclusão #somostodoscromossomo21 #downsyndrome #instagood #photooftheday #fashion
For the last six months me and Aria have been on quite a journey together and I would be lying if I didn’t say there weren’t some really hard moments. But sitting here staring at my girl you could not convince me more that she was 100% suppose to be mine since day one. I knew that would be the case and I waited patiently through those six months for this day. I’m so thankful for the grace of God and for Him entrusting me with this little miracle. Aria Jo I wouldn’t trade you for the anything, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life making sure you have every opportunity in the world, and can’t wait to watch you change it!
Able Fables Fam,
If you do not already, please head over and follow @nataliecweaver and her daughter Sophia.
#sweetsophia is no longer going to spend any time in hospitals or having surgeries. They are saying goodbye to the medical world and hello to a life lived fully with the time that Sophia has left.
Follow along for the adventures of #sweetsophia & if you can offer any help with providing Sophia with some wonderful life experiences ♥️
Mother’s Day lunch at Albion Farm Cafe ❤️ @albionfarmshop #mothersday #heartwarrior #nicugrad #babysmiles #downsyndrome #downsyndromebaby #downsyndromelove #downsyndromeawareness #downsyndromerocks #upsyndrome #trisomy21 #extrachromosome #extrachromosomeextracute #nothingdownaboutit #wouldntchangeathing #downrightperfect #morealikethandifferent #theluckyfew #babiesofinstagram
Grace presented a speech on World Down Syndrome Day at an event for the Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta (her first official speech as a self advocate )She spoke for 7 minutes about her life, her business and advocacy issues. She was wonderfully entertaining in typical Grace style making everyone laugh and listen. This portion is serious and shows a different side of Grace and it touches me more each time I listen. I am so proud of her! We will share the entire speech soon but please take time to listen to these important words! Speak up for equal pay and to end law syndrome for our Down syndrome population! They are worthy! They are willing and they are able ❤️❤️❤️ #advocate #downsyndrome #endlawsyndrome #gracekey #speech #nolimits #equalpay #womenempowerment #entrepreneur #findyourvoice #justbekind #candidlykind #youcandoit