List of the most popular hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

Publications: 29
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#drghaheri #breastfeeding #liptie #tonguetie #tonguetied #posteriortonguetie #annesutu #dilbagi #emzirme #emzirmedanismani #emzirmedanismaninihan #emzirmedanismanligi #memereddi #nihantuzel #submucosaltonguetie #ibclc #momlife #breastfeedinghelp #breastfeedingsupport #drycreekpediatricdentistry #florin #frenectomy #frenotomy #ghaheri #lactationconsultant #lactivistactivist #liptierevision #newborn #postpartum

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

Bugünkü ev ziyaretimde yine bir dil bağıyla karsilastim. Bu fotoğraftaki gibi. Dilin altında bir "bag" görünmediği için "dil bağı yok" denilen cinsten; 4.tip dil bağı. Dil bağları bebekler ağlarken daha belirgin şekilde görülüyor. Özellikle 1. ve 2.tip bağlar, yani dilin ucundan ya da ucuna yakın bir bölgeden ağız tabanına bağlanan tipleri kolaylikla seçilebiliyor ancak 4.tip dil bağının kesin teşhisi için muayene şart. Ama burada olduğu gibi dilin bariz biçimde değişen şekli (v sekli, kalp sekli gibi) arka dil bağının varlığını bize işaret ediyor. #emzirme #emzirmedanismani #emzirmedanismanligi #annesutu #dilbagi #memereddi #emzirmedanismaninihan #nihantuzel #posteriortonguetie #submucosaltonguetie #drghaheri #tonguetied #liptie #breastfeeding

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

She did so great. Thank you for the well wishes and the stories of how your own little ones had this procedure and did well afterward. It's quite different to be the mom rather than the nurse, but everyone at the hospital and especially the surgeon (#drghaheri) was supportive and beyond competent. She was slow to awaken from anesthesia and was a bit of a roller coaster of emotions today but she's tucked in bed now and resting comfortably Happy weekend to you all! #thecheech #healingup

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

Pre and post tongue tie release! Poor kid is still pretty loopy (see my stories for a video of loopy giggly drunk toddler ). We can’t wait to see how this helps with Eddie’s speech and eating issues! So very thankful for Dr Ghaheri and how kind and caring he is towards his patients. #edwardmcone #tonguetie #tonguetierelease #drghaheri

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

Well. Florin had the frenectomy yesterday and it went well. He was so sad though during and after the procedure Dr G did a wonderful job though and Florin is on the road to recovery now. Did our first aftercare stretch last night and it wasn't as bad as I thought! Last night he was pretty restless though and didn't sleep well. I'm assuming he was in some pain despite giving Tylenol. ::sigh:: Hoping to get a nap today... We'll see. Thanks for all your words of encouragement and thoughts and prayers. Love you all! #florin #tonguetie #liptie #frenectomy #frenotomy #drghaheri #newborn #momlife #8weeksold #oregonclinic #ent #latergram

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

There are some myths about breastfeeding a baby with a tongue tie, lip tie, or both. Know the signs and know when you are being told a myth. Here are some myths to look out for; . -“It's normal to have pain, bleeding, or cracked nipples. Your nipples need to just toughen up.” . -“Your baby is a lazy eater.” -“You’re not making enough milk.” . -“Your baby has a small tongue, your nipples are too big, or your baby has a small mouth.” . -“Tongue tie or lip tie doesn’t cause problems with breastfeeding.” . -“The frenulum will stretch over time.” . -“One day your baby will fall and rip their lip tie and it’ll take care of itself.” . -“Your baby can stick out their tongue, so they are not tongue tied.” . THESE ARE ALL MYTHS! . (Statements that are not true) . Check out for more details on these myths! . . #myths #breastfeedingmyth #breastfeeding #tonguetiemyth #liptiemyth #liptie #tonguetie #mythbusters #drghaheri #birthcenter #wacocare #midwiferycare #midwife #provider #wacobirthcenter #prettymommawriting

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

Hey look what I can do! #florin #tonguetie #frenectomy #frenotomy #drghaheri #momlife #sunsouttonguesout

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

So much valuable information at Friday’s conference on Oahu. Dr Ghaheri you are my hero! #midwifemamalife #momofatinguetiedbaby #drghaheri #effectsoftonguetie #preservingbreastfeeding #breastisbestwhenpossible #tonguetierelease

Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI


Hashtags for theme #DRGHAHERI

How can you tell between a normal labial frenum and a lip tie? Dr. Ghaheri has some great posts about lip and tongue ties. Click on the link to learn more. #drghaheri #tinymouthspeechandfeeding #liptie #breastfeeding #speechtherapy #oralmotortherapy #orofacialmyology #speechpathology #speechdevelopment #oralmotordevelopment #oralmotorskills #tonguetie

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