duckweed nature green pond photography water frog naturephotography aquarium aquaticplants color glass plants pondlife river wetlands body eyes female femalebetta fins fish fishtank flowers freshwater gardenpond gravel lake picoftheday residentialarchitecture macroscopic
Err... these duckweeds float in a decorative garden pond which was located just next to our dining table at an opened air Thai restaurant. Believe it or not, this reasonably-okay photo was actually taken with an really old, a 3.2 megapixels Canon G2 -- Canon's 1st-generation digital compact camera
The waterplant, Lemna minor or more commonly called duckweed, is an aquatic freshwater floating plant. Other than they provide a decorative tropical feel for home or commercial places; these plants also provides a good, natural shield for small fishes in ponds or artificial gardening containers
浮萍属漂浮性水生植物 别称青萍或水薸,广布界各地, 池塘湖泊, 浮萍能以无性分裂方式繁殖 栽培容易 生长极快;除了有些农户当鸭子菜繁殖; 不过浮萍的漂浮性与它鲜绿叶瓣高观赏价值的特性 甚至有人把它作为现代庭院或池塘绿化设计的元素之一。
如果在小池或适当大小的陶瓷水缸或容器里配几条小鱼或一对鲜艳色彩的打架鱼可以驱吃蚊虫卵适当地控制滋生蚊子。大体上水培浮萍其实算是热带地区人们蛮喜欢养殖的一种观赏性水性植物。 .
#lemnaminor #canon_camera #cameralife #nightscape #nature_photo #tropicalplants #waterplants #nightpictures #nightphoto #greenplants #macro_creative_pictures #upclose #closeup_archive #duckweed #backlight #greennature #greenleaf #canong2 #浮萍 #植物 #植物のある生活ド #浮き草 #부평초 #부평 #촬영 #微距 #촬영하다 #写真を撮る #撮影 #摄影
Looking back on the exhibition The Mediated Motion in 2001. A meditation on landscape divided into different stages. A collaboration with @studioolafureliasson in @kunsthausbregenz. Photography from Markus Tretter.
@peter_zumthor_ #rolereversal #publicprivate #exhibitionspace #landscapedesign #landscape #transitionspace #situations #water #wood #fog #metal #plastic #duckweed #landscapearchitecture #landarch #landarchdaily #dailydoseofarchitecture #landescape #austria #vogtlandscape #vogtlandscapearchitects #vogtlandschaftsarchitekten
#duckweed #lovehaterelationship #closedterrarium #paludarium #plantedtank #assasinsnail #neglected #bucephalandra #plants #emersedplants #subtropical #jungle #botanical #junglevibes #plantedjar #ecosystem #plantsofinstagram #jungleplants #red #green #purple #plantsmakepeoplehappy #terrarios #jar #aquascape #plantedaquarium #planted #longtime
Did some modifying with this tank. What do y’all think? .
#moss #bonsai #duckweed #rocks #landscape #trees #nature #natural #fishtank #fish #snails #life #terrariumtuesday #terrariummalaysia #terrariumscene #terrariumlover #terrariumlife #terrariumart #naturelovers #green #qualityaquaticspetshop #homedepot