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My brain has been a jumble lately trying to work out a return to my studies while trying to work out what that means longer term...but these have been the thoughts most on my mind related to our topic my dear reader. In the early 1800s the Germans took the Portuguese-Dutch-Jew Spinoza’s historical/philosophical study of the Biblical library more serious than the status quo-imperial/bourgeois church interpretation. Emerson, Marx, Thoreau, kierkegaard, Nietzsche read those Germans and couldn’t go back. They tried to define the next move of history/god, it involved a lot of questioning the status quo didn’t like. So, the wealthy of the status quo (cyrus McCormick) hired a charismatic shoe salesman (Dwight moody) to say the new questioners were wrong. He found the new end times ideas of John Darby, William blackstone to tell people to submit to the individual morality Ideas of people like McCormick and oil baron Lyman Stewart and they would be ok, just don’t listen to the disobedience of the reformers. Out of that alliance came “the fundamentals” essays by conservatives mailed out to every church in the US from 1910-1915. These essays were written to contradict Spinoza and the German biblical scholarship. That’s where “fundamentalism” comes from. The reformers win with FDR in the 1930s, and the fundamentalists rebrand alongside other wealthy donors. in the 50s they begin to establish fundamentalist (now called evangelical) Christianity as the only version of Christianity. the 60s are another battle mostly won by the reformers, but the white ones especially leave historical institutions like the church because the church doesn’t support reformers. No one defends those institutions in the 80s except the fundamentalists and the decline begins anew. Until today when our white Christian institutions are nearly bankrupt actual moral substance for reform movements and young people (like josh Harris) lose hope in them in mass....yet there is always a remnant, digging through the ashes. Reformers say Spinoza was right and there is validity to perspectives beyond our tribe, fundamentalists say we have to trust the masters, secularists say the fundamentalists are wrong.
Esse é um púlpito da #TremontTemple uma igreja antiquíssima no centro de #Boston
Nesse lugar pregaram homens como #AbrahamLincoln #MartinLutherKing #JohnWesley #DwightMoody e grandes outros homens de Deus.
O interessante é vermos que todos passaram e hoje essa igreja tem um pastor de 32 anos que continua a obra levando a mensagem do evangelho , pois ela sim , essa mensagem não passa , não fica velha , não fica ultrapassada e nunca perde o poder.
Ser portador dessa mensagem é saber que você carrega a Glória , carrega poder e mesmo ele estando em você , não é seu , não vem de nós , vem da Cruz , vem de Cristo e a ele para todo sempre honra e a Glória , amém.
Mateus 24:35. O céu e a terra passarão, mas as minhas palavras jamais passarão". - Bíblia
#evangelho #mensagemdacruz #tremonttemple #tremonttemplebaptistchurch #boaton #travel